Now it wont stay running??


Soo I fixed my fuel lines.. set it to 3 bar. And it turned on and ran for like a minute then died...

Now when I turn it on, it will crank, start up and die. and there is like whiteish smoke coming out of the turbo.

it idled good like 5 minutes ago? what is the white smoke? just from a new turbo or like.. head gasket, but I just changed it.... WTHELL!!

Just checked the coolant and there is no oil in it...

maybe because my o2 sensor isn't plugged in?
Coming out of the turbo? Where? There shouldn't be any smoke coming out of the turbo - new or not.
werd...maybe smoke from oil from your fingers, but not from the inside....
I think I got it..

My spark plugs are fouled to hell and back... Dang these injectors are killing it... and the 02 was off.
You have a PFC right? Did you plug in the correct inj sizes and lag?

[old injector cc] / [new injector cc] * 100 = % to be entered
Tonymac said:
You have a PFC right? Did you plug in the correct inj sizes and lag?

[old injector cc] / [new injector cc] * 100 = % to be entered

How do I enter that into my Power FC though?
wow!!!!!!!!!lol u got to be kidding me!! u just dont plug the pfc in with mods and think its gonna run!!
wow this is awsome

It does run.

Sorry forgot to mention that.

It runs fine now. I was just wondering how to enter the thinger into my pfc.

The smoke was because my spark plugs were flooded. <--- why it wouldn't start.
Justin Duncklee said:

It does run.

Sorry forgot to mention that.

It runs fine now. I was just wondering how to enter the thinger into my pfc.

The smoke was because my spark plugs were flooded. <--- why it wouldn't start.

If you upgraded your injectors and didn't compensate for them with your PFC, its not running fine. You'll be flooding your cyl with extra fuel and possible damaging your engine. I'm not sure what you mean by how to enter things. You have a handheld controller right? Do you need to be walked through the menus?

Its pretty fucking easy. You go into SETTING mode and then go into INJECTOR. Use the formula I gave you to provide the PFC with the appropriate inj compensation %.

For lag, use this formula: [new injector lag] – [old injector lag] = correction value.
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