Nopi Practice @ E-Town

hey guys im from clubloose thats our track ... btw that bank you all like is a drifters nightmare sucked in 9 drifters at Nopi one being Estie ....
WOW that track looks SICK!!! About 2yrs ago where i used to live in NYC was 45mins away from there!!!! something else to look forward to moving back :bigthumbu
some of those are formula d drvers. my eyboards broen grrr theres a new vdeo up too
Nopi drivers are all 220hp and up thats why i give Estie big ups for runing a stock sr and still kicking ass...and aero k i still want a shirt. I asked Raffi for one and he said you didnt have anymore..ill Rep for you guys Jersey Style ..... and about the events we have it 1 to 2 times a month one that track... and other then that we have underground drifting in philly about 200 to 300 cars come out we drift all night ....
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