newb drifter question


guys i just wanted to know if u need track experience to enter say the last drift event at countyline?

like i have zero drift experience.. i mean because of the law etc.. but i really wont mind someday going out there and practicing in an controlled environment.. just curious on if u should have experience and ... from the pics i saw looks like u guys have experience!

also if i enter .. is it just go for it one by one? or is there a time u get to go out there for newbs to practice?
Nope, just sign up and ask for some of the more advance guys to help you out. Everyone here is nice when it comes to actually driving on the track. The only way to gain experiance is to actually do it:bigthumbu.

PS Remember to learn the basics 1st and then move on.
Nope, just sign up and ask for some of the more advance guys to help you out. Everyone here is nice when it comes to actually driving on the track. The only way to gain experiance is to actually do it:bigthumbu.

PS Remember to learn the basics 1st and then move on.

No you dont need any experience at all and there are useally many people who can help you learn at an event if you let tim know you need help he can find someone who can.

the run groups dont have an advanced or beginner designation, when your group is up you just go out and run.
would more experienced drivers be willing to sit in the car to give more tips? say on a newb run?

I've done that a few times and now that I'm trying to get my 86 up to par I have nothing else to do at events ;). After drifting a 85whp 86 for awhile I would like to think I'm decent enough to help others :). sick driving when u drove that white that clip.

I've done that a few times and now that I'm trying to get my 86 up to par I have nothing else to do at events ;). After drifting a 85whp 86 for awhile I would like to think I'm decent enough to help others :).

thats dope....:bigthumbu
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come out, you will have more fun and learn alot more than you would expect.

event atmoshpere is dope.

everyone is down to help.
The Last Countyline Event Was My First Event And Two Great Drivers Jumped Right In And Helped Me Out A Shitload And More Would Of If I Had More Just Come On Out.
and at the events if your having a problem or cant really get the hang of it dont be scared to ask someone!
no one is going to make fun of you for being unexperienced

also another really good way to learn is ride along with experienced drivers and watch what they do
really pay attention to their feet and hands
just sign up you can enter every event as long as its not a licensed event.

if your 100% newb... watch how ppl initiate drifts... one key way i learned to drift was shift lock... hell on a tranny but if your 1 wheel peel its only way to go =]

dont be scared to approach ppl and ask them questions and if you want ask someone if you can ride along to see what they are doing.
there is a couple of us at countyline willing to jump on a car with you and help you as much as possible.... I am not as advance as some of the guys in here but i will try my best. I am more than glad to help a fellow drifter out, the only thing i try to tell some of the newer drivers is to have fun, dont go into an event thinking that you are kazama and that drifting is going to be your career for the rest of your life, those thoughts create stress, instead go into an event to learn and have fun. remember we all learn to crawl before we learn to run..... So, swing by one of the local events, we are called (south florida drift community for a reason) we all help each other....
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