New York To legalize Medical Marijuana!!!!!!!!!!!

kleen555 said:
This is not completely true. While it is extremely easy to get pot in California and alot of people DO have cards, Dr's do not hand them out like candy. My firend currently has one and the only reason he got it is b/c he is slick as fuck and knows how to talk... He told me the whole story but the bottom line is you will need to have documented medical issues that pot may somehow helpl to alleviate before you can even see the Dr. the can perscribe the card. There are not very many Dr's that have the ability to even give out the cards as well.

He bullshitted his way to getting a 15 day trial card from the Dr just to basically get him out of her office. Then you have to go to one of two dmv's that issue the cards. One is for 30, 60, 90 day. etc cards and one is strickly for 1 year cards. He went to the one for the for only a year and he was able to b.s. (again...) the lady working there to give him the year card. I have a pic of the card he sent me somewhere I will try to find it, it's pretty damn funny actually. Since he is traveling from CA to FL alot for business I get to reap the benefits of over the count herb shopping :bigthumbu . Must be so nice to walk in and be hmmmm, I think I'll try some of that today ;)

well of course its not gonna be a free for all, but if my dumb ass friends can get them, it can't be to hard. Last gift I recieved was an Almond Joy. This is the sticker that was on it!!!! Was so good!

now to find out that the maker of the almond joy is now in jail

Fuck hershey im joining the boycott. 5 years is an outrage for cooking.
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