New York To legalize Medical Marijuana!!!!!!!!!!!

KiNgFp said:

they make alot of money off of people like me; goin 2 jail, payin court cost and programs =)

no its happening. it will still be illegal for commoners to obtain, posses, and use.

But doctors can prescribe for patients and those patients will not be prosecuted by state law.

Federal Law still over powers everything which blows.

If your referring to Florida....... Well thats truly up to us supporting the right candidates, voting for the right laws, and contributing to those groups working hard to decriminalize it.
I wonder where it will lead. Interesting ideas on getting it to the patients - 12 plants a piece sounds neat haha.
Fuck that hometown....Montreal, Canada...u can have up to 2 ounces with u in the car, pocket, back pockets, center console of your car and u are free to roam around with....Marijuana is legal in Canada only if its for personal use, not intent to sell....if u get caught selling then its prison time...but if u grow ur pot or have pot for urself only, the police say "get high and enjoy" Now u gotta love Canada for that!!!! :D
Aerok180 said:
Fuck that hometown....Montreal, Canada...u can have up to 2 ounces with u in the car, pocket, back pockets, center console of your car and u are free to roam around with....Marijuana is legal in Canada only if its for personal use, not intent to sell....if u get caught selling then its prison time...but if u grow ur pot or have pot for urself only, the police say "get high and enjoy" Now u gotta love Canada for that!!!! :D

Yea but the weather up there sucks.

I want those rules in florida asap
Yeah fuck being cold. Especially since the weeds lower body temp. That's like being extra cold. Fuck being extra cold.
hahaha Cold weather is the shit......Has anyone smoked a blunt in freezing cold weather?? like u roll up the blunt inside the house where its all warm and cozzy.....u put on ur snow jacket, hat, and gloves after u step outside...light the blunt up and smoke 2 things happen 1) ur fingers smell really really bad cause the cold and smoke don't mix. 2) ur mind and body is so concentrated on the cold weather, ur brain doesn't realize that ur putting THC in ur body. Well after u smoke the blunt outside in the freezing cold and u step inside in the warm heated room...give it 10mins and u fall, u fall so low cause ur brain finally says " holy shit, that blunt was some good shit, time to feel high" its the best high ever! :bigthumbu
^^^^ u said it right brother... but even if florida does legalize marijuana, how many of us will be able to get it prescribed to us... slim to none!!!!

unless if someone has cancer... and id rather smoke it illegally then have cancer and smoke it legally!!
AKsamuraiS14 said:
^^^^ u said it right brother... but even if florida does legalize marijuana, how many of us will be able to get it prescribed to us... slim to none!!!!

unless if someone has cancer... and id rather smoke it illegally then have cancer and smoke it legally!!

do u know were u live man there are sooo many croked doctors in this freaking state its soooo easy to pay one to write you a prescription ;)
PlatanoDrifter said:
do u know were u live man there are sooo many croked doctors in this freaking state its soooo easy to pay one to write you a prescription ;)

exactly. I know mad people who live in California with medical and grower club cards. Doctors give them out like candy out there. Im sure it wouldn't be much different here.

And raffi, 20 years of living in New Jersey, I feel yea on the blunt smoking in the frigid, and packing bongs with snow, but i'll take a blunt on miami beach over any of that any day of the week!

Something about half naked beautiful tan women, beautiful weather, beautiful waters, and beautiful buds that really do it for me here.
THe guy's a fucking flake. Took me 3 days to get an address and he still hasn't said whether or not he'll be available Sat. Don't know what's gonna happen with that but he's pissing me off.
I know mad people who live in California with medical and grower club cards. Doctors give them out like candy out there. Im sure it wouldn't be much different here.
This is not completely true. While it is extremely easy to get pot in California and alot of people DO have cards, Dr's do not hand them out like candy. My firend currently has one and the only reason he got it is b/c he is slick as fuck and knows how to talk... He told me the whole story but the bottom line is you will need to have documented medical issues that pot may somehow helpl to alleviate before you can even see the Dr. the can perscribe the card. There are not very many Dr's that have the ability to even give out the cards as well.

He bullshitted his way to getting a 15 day trial card from the Dr just to basically get him out of her office. Then you have to go to one of two dmv's that issue the cards. One is for 30, 60, 90 day. etc cards and one is strickly for 1 year cards. He went to the one for the for only a year and he was able to b.s. (again...) the lady working there to give him the year card. I have a pic of the card he sent me somewhere I will try to find it, it's pretty damn funny actually. Since he is traveling from CA to FL alot for business I get to reap the benefits of over the count herb shopping :bigthumbu . Must be so nice to walk in and be hmmmm, I think I'll try some of that today ;)
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