need diff. weilded

nothing bro.....i jus had a little night laugh......i suggest u wikipedia,google,nico,240sxforums,etc your information at least........
koolest loozer.

bro. look many actually most of us were and still are as you say newbies with cars and some like me at drifting.

BUT the reason we dont look stupid or annoyin asking dumb questions like you do is because we use the SEARCH BUTTON.

so plz do us all a favor and do reasearch on whatever you might be wondering about. there are hundreds of web sites that are car related. so go learn and stop postin stupid things like "whats the distance between lugs called? you make urself look very stupid.

im not pickin on you, im tryin to help you so you dont make urself a bad name like you probaly already did.
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