Nasty R33 Drifting Crash

Did the back guy push him into the wall or did he yank ebrake facing the wrong way? If so if I was in the gold car I would have smashed that guys face into the track immediatley.
yeah the lead car def fucked up big time! it looks like the right side front wheel fucked up, like an arm broke or something, look close
nothing broke imo, the dude just initiated without really turning in at same time as he handbrakes... the car takes the natural curve of the road surface and slides him the wrong way.
Its not like it was the doods car. Im sure it was a team owned car or whatever. They probally were both driving new cars at the next event.
Obviously he screwed up an initiation. Probably b/c of the wet, cold surface. All 4 tires were locked when he hit so he probably realized he screwed up and freaked out and slammed the brakes.
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