

Well guys, apparently my crazy ex girlfriend figured out my password and deleted my myspace. For those who have it just send me a friend request [= PLEASE. My link is :bigthumbu Thanks for those who send me request [=

Also feel free to post comments? [=
Lol, I know. Gcliff you got new rims? and are you going to the event on the 8th?
Lol good idea, but then they can catch me with DNA testing ]=. Do I use someone elses spit?
that sounds like a plan. we should run a train on her hahhaa

i have that problem too. except with my ex ex. she wants to go back out with me. im like uhmm id rather spend my money on my s13, thanks. 0=]
Lol dude tell me about it, I think when I get my 240 I need to hire like body guards or something, or I'll just hire you guys? 10 bucks an hour anyone?
im the kid that you were talking to on aim.. WILLWORK4OUZO.. that pic is old (the one that says i put up 285).. that was months ago when i stopped working out. but yeah man ill beat that hoe haha
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