Myculture Nopi Drift Miami Coverage

funny how nearly half of your pics are my culture ppl... well 41 out of 119.....

vain /veɪn/ Pronunciation Key -
Show Spelled Pronunciation[veyn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation,
–adjective, -er, -est.
1. excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy.
nfs_emo_fag said:
^^^^^ haha why are you guys always fighting? o and hey are you going to make my freaking shirt or what?????????????

its not fighting as much per say... but pointing out obviousness...

and yes noah i will be workin on ur design.. but i will limit u to a super small shirt size so we can get another sexy shot of u... LMAO
AR said:
its not fighting as much per say... but pointing out obviousness...

and yes noah i will be workin on ur design.. but i will limit u to a super small shirt size so we can get another sexy shot of u... LMAO

ok cool. make sure you make it with spaghetti straps :bigthumbu :bigthumbu :bigthumbu
nfs_emo_fag said:
ok cool. make sure you make it with spaghetti straps :bigthumbu :bigthumbu :bigthumbu

will pay to seeeeeeeeee that...wait...nevermind hahaha :ghey:
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