My synopsis of the Ter-Tech weekend

freethinker said:
The problems I have with this are:

1) Everyone attended the same drivers meeting, and if you don't remember, I know of 10 people who do. They specifically stated "we want to see a fast entry, 3rd gear at least" "be a man, don't be a wuss" said Alex Pfeiffer. Then they said they were looking for consistency also. The only mention they made of line was that they didn't want to see us running wide coming off the clip, so we needed to make a wide entry and then cut across the apex. Classic late apex line. Hannu had the fastest entry of the day and Harri wasn't far off that speed. Both looked super fast, both were very consistent. Harri had ONE half-spin during quali. and Hannu had 1 halfspin and 1 spin IIRC. Both had CONSISTENT lines. I guess next time we need cali plates on our cars.

2) Formula D is a national level series. I do not care if it is from Cali or Antarctica, no one owes anything extra to take part in some 'club'. IT IS NOT A CLUB, it is supposed to be a serious motorsport. Too bad the people running it are making a farce out of it, giving people from other motorsports even more reason to point and laugh.

Also I heard a rumor that the judges changed their minds and decided to judge mainly on the line and nothing else. They never called another driver's meeting to tell us this though.

Bill I guess decided to take it easy for a clean run and made a good decision. He went conservative, did a 2nd gear run tagging the clips perfect and it seems that is probably what got him invited to California.

Taka Aono also told Harri that he should come to California for the next FDQ, but it means nothing since we don't have a teleportation machine to get there.

As for me and Chelsea, we both got disqualified.

After qualifications were totally over I went back out for the open practice session and I did small manji in 1st gear down the back of the parking lot heading to the grid. A vehicle came to me and said I was done for the day. I argued with him over why since Team Lexus had been blasting down that same area all day and others too. He gave no reasonable explanation and said the judges wanted me gone also.

I'll let Chelsea explain his disqualification, but it was something even sillier.

The guy who spoke to both of us turned out to be Naoki Kobayashi.

As far as my driving goes, I basically sucked. I made a few good runs in practice but the judges decided to change the course after everyones practice session (they werent supposed to do this, but I guess they do do whatever they want as long as we all have to deal with the same crap) and we we're only allowed 1 practice run on the new course layout before our 3 qualifying runs.

I managed what would have been a good qualifying run but the clutch spun in 3rd gear when I clutch kicked( I probably should have been in second gear anyway) and that ended my slide.

Tim had some issues with his car and track conditions.

Chelsea did good and ran a few really awesome runs.

"Track" hahahaha, cough-WORSTPARKINGLOTEVER-cough conditions were miserable. Wet, about 35-40degrees and 15-20mph winds all day.

Lousisiana on sunday was great though. It really made up for the crap the day before. It was a nice roadcourse where we used the smaller front section and it was smooth and dry. Tim was totally KILLING it, some of the best runs of the day by, but the brake reservoir melted and his day was over before qualifying even started. There were some problems with the BMW (not even sure what the final diagnosis is) but Chelsea and I had a great day.

Chelsea qualified a close 2nd behind the tracks hometown driver with his turbo 350Z (Aaron Losey) and I qualified 10th. We're pretty sure I should have qualified higher but Tim took 1 run in the S12 after his car broke and I offered for him to co-drive. He had a really hard time with the car and spun a bunch on each lap.

Top 8 were set up in tandem battles and Chelsea made his way though each battle cleanly except for the Battlground S14 spinning in front of him and the S14's right front corner doing a pretty rough job on Chelsea's driver's door.

The final turned into 350Z vs Miata and It would have been a one-more-time if not for a tiny understeer from Chelsea with too much grip in back on the last set of tires we had.

So we took home 2nd place and $200 in gas money, for my super thirsty Cummins engine haha.

We all had a great time in Lousiana and are hoping the Atlanta Qualifier happens. Hopefully with a lot less political drama and better communication to the drivers of EXACTLY what the judges are looking for since Ter-Tech can deliver whatever they ask for!


Edited for typos

Edited again to not piss off TonyMac or other people

basicallly it is what it is, you either complain about it or stick with it and come out on top in the long run. all of us in florida know whats up down here and who's good and who isn't. as far as formula d goes, its the biggest in the country right now as far as drift series go. and i kinda want to be a part of it. although U.S. drift sounds cool too. any one have any info on that series yet????? and now we have this new formula DST starting in florida, granted its mostly on ovals, but for most of us this won't be a problem. i think i should have gone to the LA event, but money was short and we were kinda out of time. i am kinda pissed i didn't go just because it sounded like a really good event.

it all boils down to Florida is alot further along than we were 1 or 2 years ago. still not as far as the west coast, but we're catching up,,,,, fast. i know its frusterating, believe me i know, but patience is the best virtue. good things come to those who wait. i'm not ready to give up and i don't think any on else in florida should either. we have just as many talented drivers as any where else, its just our location that is hindering us. but not for long.not tring to be a **** or anything but me and Harri are the 2 best in flroida period. and if i can find away so can he. and we will destroy all comeers in what ever series we end up in.
hachibill said:
but not for long.not tring to be a **** or anything but me and Harri are the 2 best in flroida period. and if i can find away so can he. and we will destroy all comeers in what ever series we end up in.

You're not being a ****, you're just being c0cky. IMO, Santi drives better than you did with a KA and when he gets his boosted car running right, I think he'll be better than you in no time. I also think Greazymule has more talent than you but who knows what's going on with him. Your attitude has caused you to disillusion yourself into thinking your some kind of hot sh1t but for the amount of events you've been to and the number of years you've been drifting; I think you should be better. I don't care how many people swing on your nutts if you come into this board with a ballooned head, I'll tell you how it is. PERIOD. Don't misunderstand me, I've said it at least 10x in this forum that you're a great drifter, but you're not all that. I think you need to get over self and show some respect to the people that deserve it.
I suck, but at least I'm having fun. Thats all that counts in my book! There is several talented drivers in Florida that need to get their cars more competitive, to make sh1t happen. Also one of the lessons I learned is that make your car look nice and clean, that is one of the criteria they look for.
As far as another series goes we are working together with they will have 8 competitions thru out the year all over US winner gets $2000 plus tires etc.. second $1000 third $500 and the winner goes to Las Vegas during SEMA for the finals all paid trip including the car. They will be hosting the SEMA annual drift show in the parking lot, so hows that for competition? Winner gets more than six times the ammount Formula D pays.
its not called being ****y, its all confidence, and confidence is king. i know santi's good,and Harri and Hanu and Greasymule, i never once said they weren't. i can't wait till we all go to formula d and take over. i know i'm the hot ****, there's no way around it. GRIP, drift, whatever, it doesn't matter. see the thing is i never said noone else is the hot **** either. which means there can be other badass's besides me. and as far as showing repsect to other's who deserve it, show me who that i already haven't mentioned. there is no mistake about it, i was put on this planet for one thing and thats to drive. i never said i was a good athlete or that i have a big d1ck or that i'm good in school, but when it comes to driving i am one of the best. i'm sorry people get so bent out of shape about that, but i love everone from florida and there are alot of other good drivers out there.

so as far as you being all bent out of shape, i think its unwarrented. instead of bickering amongst ourselves we need to focus the energy into de-throning the west coast as the drift capital.
I have a monster c0ck!! And i'm proud of it. hehehehe all the women know it!!!!! Its not the car that wheights BMW is only 3200lbs but once I but it in it it goes over 3400lbs can you say MONSTER!!!
hachibill said:
its not called being ****y, its all confidence, and confidence is king. i know santi's good,and Harri and Hanu and Greasymule, i never once said they weren't. i can't wait till we all go to formula d and take over. i know i'm the hot ****, there's no way around it. GRIP, drift, whatever, it doesn't matter. see the thing is i never said noone else is the hot **** either. which means there can be other badass's besides me. and as far as showing repsect to other's who deserve it, show me who that i already haven't mentioned. there is no mistake about it, i was put on this planet for one thing and thats to drive. i never said i was a good athlete or that i have a big d1ck or that i'm good in school, but when it comes to driving i am one of the best. i'm sorry people get so bent out of shape about that, but i love everone from florida and there are alot of other good drivers out there.

so as far as you being all bent out of shape, i think its unwarrented. instead of bickering amongst ourselves we need to focus the energy into de-throning the west coast as the drift capital.

I can't help but laugh. "I was put on this planet to drive". OK dude. :)
Screw you all im the best driver in Florida ill out drift all of you in my 20hp LADA.

Doichland represent what what.

On a serious note id have to agree with Bill on being the best in florida.Hes not challenging anyone on this forum by saying something like that.Its just his mindset he has a winning attitude im the same way in order to be the best you first have to know your the best or keep telling yourself that.If you asked me who is the best drifter in the world is id automatically would tell you its me.The reality might be competlly diffrent but its just a winning attitude.If you go into a competition thingking im ok but im not better than that guy he will most definatelly beat you.But if you go into a competition with an attitude like mine or bills nothing or no one can inttimidate you because you know deep down you are the best and you will do whatever it takes to beat your opponent to make your skills a reallity and not just a thought in your mind.Because who knows you just may be the best driffter in the world.Thats all I have to say take it or leave it.BTW im better than Bill LOL.


Dont quote me on this. I am not a pro, semi pro or good. Im a beginner, learning. I need a lot more driving time. But I think one of the biggest things holding us back is practicing and events hsted on an oval. GIVEN it is the only place we have, which does rock that we have a place to go. But looking at the pics and videos of the events and the judging criteria they look for big entry speed and good connections and angles, the proper/consistant line... If we could only find a flat top parking lot/ open area to practice and learn these styles instead of half and oval and 2 or 3 tight turns everyone could benefit.

I saw the video from the Bubbadrift site it wasnt much. If someone could get me a copy of what Harri has Il do what I can to host it so everyone can see more.
Well in my opinion ****y is not always good, it is better that you always tell yourself someone is better then you cuz that is what will drive you 2 get better. Just look at the pro's do you think Michael Jordan shot 1,000 freethrows a day cuz he told him self he was the best. Do you think Jerry Rice ran 9 miles a day cuz he was the best, when the best becomes ****y thats when someone makes a fool out of them. People, in this sport anyone can beat anyone on any given day all ****yness does is make you loose fan base which in turn looses you sponsership. If you want to become a pro drifter you have to learn to bite your tounge. Act like you have some sense if you think you are the best good but don't anounce it cuz just like you have to clean up your car in in FD you also have to act like a profesional or no company is gonna want to give you the time of day.

P.S This is not meant as a flame so don't give me sh!t for what I wrote it's only the truth. Good luck on the next event, rep sfl to the foolest. Oh and that kid in the green AE86 is featured in a mag I have, I have the spec's on it. I think it's a Dsport or SuperStreet.

Well I was in the middle of reading the green AE86 feature in Dsport mag and they state .

"As part of drift Association, Wes is a instructor for Southern California region. In addition, Wes acts as Tech Inspector, Judge and participant for many Drift Association events". This mag is two years old.

I think things we're pure politics, this guy knows everyone that was jugding that FD event you guy's went to. Alex P is a personal friend of his, oh well this means you guy's just have to suck it up and really whoop some A$$ at the next event.
Actually I am the best here, so p1ss off, and Harry I have bigger than you, just nobody has seen it, and I am drifting in my dreams, ... what was the problem again?
how did this become a pissing contest? if you don't like me then f*ck off, its that simple, and unless YOU can out drive me then shut your face. period.
Hahaha, my thread got totally jacked.

I agree with Bill that c0ckiness/confidence is pretty much required to be good at almost anything. But remember it's only 1 step from arrogance.

Bill youre definitely a lot nicer guy than I originally thought before I actually knew you, just a bit odd and quiet sometimes... but sh|t, find me a drifter in Florida who is "normal" hahaha, not any that I know of...

A lot of us Florida guys have had our difference between each other but I think we need to assume that we all mean the best toward each other.

If anyone cares about my opinion, then here's my list of Florida's top drifters

In no order here but I'm gonna start with Harri because he has done a huge amount for drifting in Florida and deserves a lot more recognition.

Harri, smooth and consistent, Harri makes smoke when he drifts on ice!!

Hannu, absolute insanity, I think Hannu = "never lift" in Finnish :)

Santi, lock to lock no fear.. what does lift mean??

HachiBill all round good

Tyler (greazymule) NA KA to the max

Tim, best runs of anyone in Lousiana, Rookie drifter of the century!

Matt V. for obvious reasons

Rob F. again^^

Chelsea, remember people it's a Miata... fukkin A good stuff

Juan, haven't seen Juan drive recently but he can only go up from the Hialeah days

Antti, if only everyone knew what that E30 was like to drive...

TonyMac, add a lil c0ckiness in there, we've all seen what this guy can do

Me.. maybe? if only I had a full time ride -king of the borrowed car-

And there's a number of people who I have seen drive awesome but I dont know their names.

Most of the guys above can and have out-driven each other just given different circumstances so lets put that aside and just get even better.

The Cali guys think they're hotsh|t? Those 13 up there will shut most Cali guys down easily!


Oh damn, I forgot Jay levan, so it's 14 badass Florida drifters.
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hachibill said:
how did this become a pissing contest?

I believe that was you, right here:
hachibill said:
me and Harri are the 2 best in flroida period

hachibill said:
if you don't like me then f*ck off, its that simple, and unless YOU can out drive me then shut your face. period.

The day you dictate what I do is the day I die. :)
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