My key is stuck!!

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My key is stuck in the ignition and it won't come out. I've tried jiggling this thing in every direction for the last 15 minutes in it still won't come out! I can crank the car and turn it off, but it stops just before the last position that allows me to take out the key. Any suggestions?? :(
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check if the steering wheel is lock and if so play with the steering wheel while youtry to take out the key and make sure its in park if you havent already
The steering wheel is in the straight position and is not locked, and I have a 95 SE so there isn't a button on the ignition switch.
the waffer in the ignition broke.....u need to remove the ignition switch and take out the broken waffer....if u dont kno how to do that call a locksmith 9542747336
if it stops before the position check the actual lock in the 95 240's they started using a cable for autos so if its auto you can just remove the cable and it wont lock anymore if its 5 spd you on your own because i never had to mess with my steering column in my 5 spd s14's only my s13s and i dont want to misinform you also if its auto push the shifter all the way forward because sometimes it wont engage completely and cause this
if it stops before the position check the actual lock in the 95 240's they started using a cable for autos so if its auto you can just remove the cable and it wont lock anymore if its 5 spd you on your own because i never had to mess with my steering column in my 5 spd s14's only my s13s and i dont want to misinform you also if its auto push the shifter all the way forward because sometimes it wont engage completely and cause this

Thanks!! That was the problem. I recently converted from an automatic to a manual, so I just disconnected it all together. :bigthumbu
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