Must See!!!! If You Care About Anything!

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I am in control of my own life and so is everyone else sorry I wasnt brainwashed when i was young


The way I see it, there is nothing Christians say that makes me defensive about the way I feel. Have you noticed most every statement I had was in the form of a question, why do Christians get so defensive when confronted with real questions of real pondering. And they always go running back to the bible a book written by MEN that has been mistranslated manipulated and changed all throughout time by MEN. The same people who wrote and documented what happened in the bible also thought the world was flat, the sun revolved around the earth and it was the center of universe, there were giant monsters in the sea, and leaches cured everything, and solar eclipses ment the end of the world

Yeah I trust those guys
"RELIGION," is a ritual made by man to serve man whom boasts to God "look what I can do for you!" Like "God needs man to exist. The Bible speaks of scoffers, yes the Bible has been manipulated to serve mans purpose not God's.
"RITUAL," is an organized process to create cohesion among a group or society
"RELIGIOUS LEGALISM," is man binding man to serve man.
You have been a victim of all three!
Is there Good and Evil? If not then why is that man battles man for existence?
Is there spiritual demons? If not why do yo wrestle with in your dream.
What do you think Lucifer (Satan) was? A being created out of nothing? Who touts to control the spiritual man.
In all the 21 years of your existance and the religion rammed down your throat, who do you think can save you from yourselves. You?
Are you a Truth Atheist or a False Athiest
True Atheist searches for God existence
False Atheist claims to be one with withe social group!
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