Must See!!!! If You Care About Anything!

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Most of that is actually true people need to get over it and realize what is going on in the world. Like the whole part toward the end where he's saying there are no jewish, black etc. problems there are human problems. People take it upon themselves to say oh I've been there done that, as if they have seen the worst and been through it. When reality is there are millions of people who have it worse than all of us. The racism thing is true also, racism is the most ignorant thing in the world. People say oh black people are unable to get jobs... There are other people out there that cant get jobs either. Problems have no race every person on this planet experiences problems and if not different problems the same. The human race needs to wake up and realize the time we are wasting bickering and fighting, for what? money? to see who's better than the other?

Lol sorry end rant had to get that out lol.
LMAO this is old we were talkin about this months ago. Everybody has problems get over it. Our government sucks the world sucks we all suck its life.
Yeah I actually posted this about 6 months ago

Great vid, kinda puts the pieces together of stuff I had known for a while
lets face it everyone in this world is only worried about one person and its themselves if anyone actually gave a crap and things were not so money based this world would be a whole lot better...

...i mean cmon if small islands like st lucia have things called universal health care and the largest, wealthiest, most powerful nations dont that just tells you something.

dont worry guys when i take over this crap excuse of the world ill hook u all up with some free healthcare...but dont be bugging me for viagra :laugh::laugh::laugh:
That video didn't even say much. Just some people yelling about crap and an eyeball changing colors and some cool graphics.
edit ^^ +4,000,323,443

omg...must i defend religion once again.

This is nothing but another "conspiracy theory" video. If you are cultured enough in history and are familiar with some of the religions out there then you will understand that MOST of their information is just used in the wrong context; much like lawyers...sold with cool graphics and freaky music to keep your attention.

i'm not even going to start quoting because i did that last time. but there's one that i didnt pickup up and that is how the use the Zodiac simbol, the equinox lines and match it to the Cross and then to some Artworks of Jesus with a cross/crown not knowing that that was the art of the century and then somehow they throw in the bible a part of John's chapter where he describes how Jesus was wearing a crown of thorns....PEOPLE that WAS a crown of thorns and has absolutely nothing to do with the Zodiac.

some of you need to watch that video closely, they sell the information very well and that is just about all they do.

Institution corruption, absolutely!! but that doesnt take away from all the good religious institutions do. Gay priests, sure they exist doesnt mean they are all child molesters, infact look at the actual number of priests and look at HOW THE POPE EXILED THEM we're not for it. The video says all priests are evil, liers and child molesters....nigguh pleaase.

back to institution corruption....shit is not free, some people wanted power and had to be corrupt to place themselves over kings and stuff because they inturn used religion to control people....i believe that this still goes goes on. sure it happened, there were some dark times. still, while that was going on you think it was all evil in the background cmon.

i'm not even going to start on the rest of the video. Productions like these have a purpose and is to atack the average uncultured person which in the usa is quite a large number of people and don't dissagree with me becuase the general culture of this country sucks. Makes me thing that this country/education sys/gov/new channels keep people uninformed of what goes on in the rest of the world. OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS USA will not be the world power for long, if it isnt already. take a guess why?

/poorly organized thoughts rant got no time for stupidity.

"I don't know what God is, but i know what he isnt" are they denying religion, faith, the fact that there is something greater than us or are they just beating on the institutions of this world? poorly..

^^this is not a rant btw just a question.
edit ^^ +4,000,323,443

omg...must i defend religion once again.

This is nothing but another "conspiracy theory" video. If you are cultured enough in history and are familiar with some of the religions out there then you will understand that MOST of their information is just used in the wrong context; much like lawyers...sold with cool graphics and freaky music to keep your attention.

i'm not even going to start quoting because i did that last time. but there's one that i didnt pickup up and that is how the use the Zodiac simbol, the equinox lines and match it to the Cross and then to some Artworks of Jesus with a cross/crown not knowing that that was the art of the century and then somehow they throw in the bible a part of John's chapter where he describes how Jesus was wearing a crown of thorns....PEOPLE that WAS a crown of thorns and has absolutely nothing to do with the Zodiac.

some of you need to watch that video closely, they sell the information very well and that is just about all they do.

Institution corruption, absolutely!! but that doesnt take away from all the good religious institutions do. Gay priests, sure they exist doesnt mean they are all child molesters, infact look at the actual number of priests and look at HOW THE POPE EXILED THEM we're not for it. The video says all priests are evil, liers and child molesters....nigguh pleaase.

back to institution corruption....shit is not free, some people wanted power and had to be corrupt to place themselves over kings and stuff because they inturn used religion to control people....i believe that this still goes goes on. sure it happened, there were some dark times. still, while that was going on you think it was all evil in the background cmon.

i'm not even going to start on the rest of the video. Productions like these have a purpose and is to atack the average uncultured person which in the usa is quite a large number of people and don't dissagree with me becuase the general culture of this country sucks. Makes me thing that this country/education sys/gov/new channels keep people uninformed of what goes on in the rest of the world. OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS USA will not be the world power for long, if it isnt already. take a guess why?

/poorly organized thoughts rant got no time for stupidity.

"I don't know what God is, but i know what he isnt" are they denying religion, faith, the fact that there is something greater than us or are they just beating on the institutions of this world? poorly..

^^this is not a rant btw just a question.

you know whats powerful that saw and m1 abrams that ralphie is bringing me back :D
ok i know im gonna get alot of shit for this but since it doesn't really matter anyways






im so happy to be taoist

if i wasnt taoist you could damn well believe id be satanic.

not that i believe in god or anything
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