
but is it good? hows game play?

Honestly you gotta be a fan to appreciate it. Its fun though but the new villains are creepy! Im to the point where you reach Naomi in the lab in the 2nd ACT. So far the main objective is to assasinate Liquid
gameplay is noob friendly and still good for veteran mgs fans. Overall i dont see anything wrong with it
i had the beta when that was out and i played for about 15-20 hours so its not like i never played it online
damn i'm late az fuk!
You guys play online! Look for me dammit!! Post your online names!!
I'm "sou.less"
greatest MG ever. snaaakee! liiqqquiid! hilarious in jokes for fans, but MGO is weak.
I beat it, loved it, never played any of the other ones so the flash backs kinda weird and unclear because it had to much fuzzyness!. but i loved it and the ending was great.. make sure to watch after the credits.
I beat it, loved it, never played any of the other ones so the flash backs kinda weird and unclear because it had to much fuzzyness!. but i loved it and the ending was great.. make sure to watch after the credits.

u should definately play the others
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