Medal of Honor 2010? The wait wasnt worth it?!

I just got my Medal of Honor copy and honestly I think Battlefield BC2 was a lot better... MOH is more like Call of Duty... Is not realistic as BC2. Anyways give me your opinion guys.

My User name on ps3 is Yuck_Fou_B1tch
Was really going for the singleplayer, but the damn thing is glitchy as fuhh and feels like work just to get through it [very few entertaining parts].. Multiplayer seems like its trying to be MW1, not as retarded as perk-happy MW2, but mehhh..

Worth it for the beta invite to BF3 and MoH Frontline? Probably/maybe..


Sticking to BC2
^^^!!! I was thinking the same thing yo... They try to combined Call of Duty and Battlefield in one game... Didnt work out... Im selling the game already on craigslist :p im gonna keep playing BC2...
Finally finished the SP, ended up liking it---tried the multiplayer--hated it.

Verdict: probably rent for the single-player if you're bored...
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