MardiDrift! - March 6th at CFRC

I had a blast today. I loved the setup with the tires and cones marking entry spots. Honestly I feel like I did better with the cones set up for the wide line because it actually gives you somewhere to aim for. I agree that you should commit and go hard to improve, but if you don't feel good doing it, then don't.
Exactly. the setup today was great for beginners.
I got there right when the red miata understeered n tapped the wall (setup) and watched the white coupe back up the wall (ballsy) and then the black hatch hit the center (setup).

At least those were the beginner drivers.

The white coupe didn't have a good e-brake I'm assuming, and I didn't see the black hatch.

Also guys, I'm going to be posting some stricter rules on the Facebook this week, so if you don't already have us subscribed in your news feed, do it.
I had a blast today. I loved the setup with the tires and cones marking entry spots. Honestly I feel like I did better with the cones set up for the wide line because it actually gives you somewhere to aim for. I agree that you should commit and go hard to improve, but if you don't feel good doing it, then don't.

We were discussing this on another forum. I also like having a line to follow, but I think that the line should be in chalk or something on the pavement with cones only at the clipping points. That way there are way less cones for people to run into. The cones always get hit by people and pushed into the way and it takes time to put them back in place. There have been a few times when everyone just got sick putting the cones back in their proper places so they ended up staying scattered around the track towards the end of the day which i wasn't happy about because they kept getting in my way.

So I think a think line of chalk or paint on the pavement would be awesome. Like this (but with less cones):
We were discussing this on another forum. I also like having a line to follow, but I think that the line should be in chalk or something on the pavement with cones only at the clipping points. That way there are way less cones for people to run into. The cones always get hit by people and pushed into the way and it takes time to put them back in place. There have been a few times when everyone just got sick putting the cones back in their proper places so they ended up staying scattered around the track towards the end of the day which i wasn't happy about because they kept getting in my way.

So I think a think line of chalk or paint on the pavement would be awesome. Like this (but with less cones):

Paint/Chalk is so hard to see from a driver seat. Even autox, that uses it always lines it in cones to. Whats wrong with hitting cones?

Entry cones need to be there all the time to help people know where they are entering about.

and as far as being ballzy... if you dont commit, you will come out of drift/understeer. If you are too FAST for your ability, then you introduce crash into your understeer. So whatever speed you feel comfortable at, do that. But then dont expect the car to drift for 200 yards if you are entering at 30mph. For god sakes, play some video games that have a decent amount of reality, and learn simple inputs of when to throttle, brake, handbrake, turn, transition.... the basic inputs will carry over pretty well into real life.
i play vidjamagames to get better. :) lol.

Oh by the way. My coupe is going in for paint tuesday and should be ready to drive by the end of this week. :D Can't wait to get back out there. sorry i missed Mardi drift, everyone, i couldnt get a ride so i chilled at home prepping my shell. :D
For god sakes, play some video games that have a decent amount of reality, and learn simple inputs of when to throttle, brake, handbrake, turn, transition.... the basic inputs will carry over pretty well into real life.

Does mariokart count? lol. I have almost every gaming console up to the ps2.. but that just broke. Been thinking about buying an xbox, but all money has gone into the car and drifting in real life. lol
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