Looking for other rides to take pics with

^^ danm !! thnx man !! lol we should get a good group from sfld and get a big pic :D!
ill do it for free
and i have better equipment then this fool

this kid:laugh::laugh:

u talk like ur -

but really ur -

stfu and let the man take pics!!

so wait hes charging?....effin ghey!

and goldilocks mah d1ck probably takes better pics than you can
so wait hes charging?....effin ghey!

and goldilocks mah d1ck probably takes better pics than you can


your dick?
your small ass dick cant even get up, let alone take a fucking picture
lol, imo there's always someone thats better.


all the hate is a waste of energy that could be redirected into something useful.

thats why i hate HS BS drama.

if you charge i cant help you there, but if you want motorcycles i can get at least 9-10 harleys together but youd have to come to naples.
danm i never seen so many people fighting to take free photoshoots jajajaj lol... well at least he is offering for free :D and his work is not bad at all

your dick?
your small ass dick cant even get up, let alone take a fucking picture

lulz am i getting under your skin yet :laugh:

oh yeh of lil faith just because i wont whip it out for you lol.

its ok goldi ill be in fl next month ill stop by and show your a girl a few things im sure you cant do :bigthumbu
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im pretty serious with my S2IS........ill take pics of cars too *sorry I dont want your hondas*
all i have is my nikon d60 and d3...thats all...is that good enough for anything?!

oh yea fyi where the fk are these infamous boxxy pics you have that your so called cousin took when he was so called dating her?!
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wtf just happened in this thread

I remember you from OF.

I do agree if your going to sell yourself you better bring your a game. There are alot of photogs on here that already shoot for friends for free and also come to events and shoot for free.

Unless you have some really great work just fall in with the rest of the photogs and goto events and take pictures.

not selling anything .. just dicking around and taking pics for fun ...
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So you wanna shoot drift race cars, but you arnt looking for s13's?
pretty sure you cant even drift race in any other car....duh
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