Looking for my s13 Silvia I sold last year

Not taking sides but your friend doesn't seem to eager to clear his name and just put this in the past. Why don't you just tell him to post it here?
I just called amscot and they said they cant verify that he ever sent me this money he claims he sent unless I have the tracking number. So one of you defending him please tell him to give me this number since he refuses to answer my phone calls and emails, we will see if he really did send this or if hes lieing.

After not answering my phone calls after a year period or emails, I assume hes lieing and got something to hide from his friends even.
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Just talked to him

That nutsack! hahaha guess we will just wait till he gets that shit copied.

ps. not trying to be a dick. but its lying not lieing...sorry was really bothering me
Hahaha no offence taken about it I feel my level of English has decreased severely after working in Japan and Thailand for the past two years I can now speak 3 languages but can't seem to remember basic English now
And also can I get that number your texting him on he told me he didn't have a working phone.
I would punch all of you in the face at CFRC if it wasnt so far and I wasnt worried of getting arrested for hitting women!
still havent heard from the tool never got any answers to my phone call. So shits gonna get real I am coming back to the US from work Thailand in a month.
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