LOL Who else is affected by Roly D. Sauce's Signature??

get faster internet and a real computer i have zero problems with gifs on my comp using firefox and a 20 meg connection. or maybe you need a better video card
get faster internet and a real computer i have zero problems with gifs on my comp using firefox and a 20 meg connection. or maybe you need a better video card

lmao if you have probs with a gif with a 20meg connect thats a serious gif
ahh I have the same problem. I'm on a macbook pro, and every time I see his sig when I'm scrolling I freak out and try to scroll up or something because mine will freeze for at least a minute.
I have brighthouse so who knows. They've sucked lately.

But Pat's in the living room with the same internet and doesn't have a problem sooo.
His sig gif has less frames and in lower res. In your case, its prob your computer if another computer in the same house has no problems
I'm on a 1meg connection. But like I said, I play games online all day and no problems. Just that stupid gif. Need to tell my friend to up his damn connection! lol

U seriously made a thread bc of this shitty non sense.

Do we have a customer service complaint thread or something we can locate this cat to

You seriously criticizing my thread when you made this?

Thanks for letting me know how your forum works mr.2009.
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Yea idk, it's on both Chrome and Safari. So it's def the computer, but my RAM is free and it still does it. Like I run servers on COD and everything works peachy, and just that fucking sig.

both Chrome and Safari are webkit based, typically if something renders differently in Chrome, it'll do the same thing in Safari, try Opera and/or Firefox. But honestly i have no idea why it would cause you problems and not anyone else.
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