living in Japan...


hey guys just curious who here has lived in Japan? just like throw out a run down of what life is like there and what types of jobs are they looking there. I'm going to college for Digital Arts and Media, and id like to live over there for at least 6 months after college (i graduate in 2 years). just wondering if anyone has any input, negative or positive is accepted. and no i'm not a moron fanboy with a dream of going to the zomg drift land. ive wanted to do this before i knew what drifting was
haha i have no intention of that. from what ive read about and seen, it seems like a place i'd dig. i love the art, architecture, and idk i just want to try something different
here's a +, Cheap ass Imports you wish you had in America!
For the same price of your grandma's civic/camry!
I would love to go there to study.

me too. i was reallyyy interested when i was taking drafting and design (architecture) classes in highschool because i love the architecture and buildings over there. and now my career interest has turned to digital arts and media (hopefully dealing with video game level development and art), and i'm pretty sure the industry for that is tight over there

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 PM ----------

here's a +, Cheap ass Imports you wish you had in America!
For the same price of your grandma's civic/camry!

haha yea thats always a bonus
where in Japan? I lived in the south part (shikoku) (btw there is nothing there) its cramped, its REALLY REALLY expensive, and contrary to popular belief owning a car is expensive but on the flipside, the food is awesome and the culture is really unique. There is a weird balance of modern and traditional culture. If u really wanna go for the right reasons, DO IT
I lived in Okinawa... Very different then mainland Japan. Been to Tokyo for the Auto Salon and the lifestyle there is sooo much different. Very fast paced and a lot of people ride the subways as the main cities are packed. Okinawa is chill. Island is like 70 something miles long and like 35mi wide. Cars there are cheap as we spoke about in PM... Jobs there tho, SUCK... Very hard to stay over there with a SOFA status agreement and average wage is like $8-10/hr :/ You end up falling into a hole and not much room for advancing. That is why I left :/ Other then the career side, I loved it!
trueee. i hadnt really decided where i want to live, but i'd prefer a suburb maybe within 20 miles of a major city
Alright so lets say I work from home on the interwebs, how would I go about moving there? I wouldnt be contributing to their society persay because im not teaching or working for their economy, however ill pay taxes or w.e lol.
Anyone on here ever actually moved there?? I've always liked the culture was always into anime and shit as a kid and I always liked the simple living and yes......I have a weakness for asian ladies..... yes......
I've found many resources on moving to Japan but they also all go there for work to teach engrish or something....
why not take a vacation there first and see the area and decide if thats what you want to do, idk how people can base life changing decisions off i love anime and fap to asian porn
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