Lies mandy240sx


I realize this feedback is a little late but due to no computer I had no choice. First off a friend of mine was helping me look for a bottom end for my SR. He located one for me from mandy240sx. I spoke to mandy 240sx and he assured me that the bottom end was in good condition and that there was nothing wrong with it. He stated that the head was messed up but the bottom end was good. So I believed him. Why not. I drove a little more than 2 hours to pick this item up. (gas is not cheap) I texted him earlier and said I would be leaving in the morning to pick it up. I arrived at his house and he does not answer the cell. I wait almost an hour longer and his mom arrives and i explain I am here to pick up a part. I buy the bottom end and drive home. Drop it off to my mechanic and he tells me the next day that it is pretty much unusable and that its garbage. I call/text mandy240sx and get no response. I send replies on his thread and nothing. So like I said before in actuality he straight up lied and now cant even respond to his mistake. Not cool dude.. I have bought from a couple people on here and have had no problems, I'm a cool dude but nobody likes to get used for money.

Mandy240sx sold me bad bottom end- Does not answer cell/text/thread responses.....
I hope there is a lesson learned here. I've learned the same thing, if a deal seems shady bail!! If he didn't answer you to begin with you should have said "fuck this I can take my money elsewhere." I hope you get some type of satisfaction though.
I never buy motors off this site period. Buy from either importers or pull it yourself from the J-yard or a good local bro of yours. Sorry dude. Also, I understand that you could not have performed a compression test due to no tranny/starter/head but your kinda shooting in the dark when buying a short block like that.
^^ that.. and i dont think he want to go thru all that ..and he drove like 2 hours to go get it..and much you paid ? probably no more than $100 bucks. just rebuild the motor and learn from this.
I understand what you guys are saying from "learn from this" but we are not children on a regular website. This is what this website is for, to see others cars hear some info and sell parts. I paid $225 and another amount to drive over there in a truck. The money and time I cannot recieve back but I believe he should be banned until he can tell the admins a resonable explantion to why he will not respond. (my opinion)
Honestly dude you would think this is the place for that but this site has no rules or enforcement on stuff like this. But if you get ripped off find a way to deal with it yourself cause no one on this site will do anything so just cut ur loses and be more careful. This is from experience
damn ..$225 for just the block and with no warranty .. sucks to hear that. but then..get ur money back. go to his house
i will say, it would have been best to learn how to thoroughly inspect it yourself when getting there b4 buying. there is always a risk in buying a used part unless warranty is guaranteed and its up to the prospective buyer to determine himself if its in good usable condition b4 buying. in other words, he may be a douche for lying to you but it was fair game.
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Thats pretty fucked up to say that it was "fair game" dude sold a fucked up part he is to blame!! he drove 2 hours to pick up a part that was said to be in working order and only to find out later that he now has a paper weight,thats not right!!!! yeah maybe he should have took a mechanic with him to see if it was legit but he didnt.. so this douche needs to come out of hiding and make things right..
Fair Game? So basically your saying that anyone could sell a f-ed up part and say its legit on here? Now I know and everyone else does not to buy from you... Yeah pretty much he said it was in working order/good condition so why wouldnt I believe him? He's a member so why not.. I'm not saying I trust all kinds of people but if he is saying it over a public forum then hey I thought it would work..
^This!! The guy said the block was good when it wasn't. Its people like him that make it hard for everyone else to buy and sell used parts because we have to worry if were getting fucked or not...
Fair Game? So basically your saying that anyone could sell a f-ed up part and say its legit on here?
well it just happened, am i right?

why wouldnt I believe him? He's a member so why not.. I'm not saying I trust all kinds of people but if he is saying it over a public forum then hey I thought it would work..

you dont even sound sure of your own justification, bc there is none. this is the internet, there is no internet police force. he's not a business so you can't even tattletale to the BBB and have it filed with the federal gov't. he has practically zero serious consequences to coerce him not to fuck someone over. worst case senario: he gets banned from this forum...ohh scary. he's got other forums and if word gets around...craigslist. welcome to the real world. look, im not defending him, nor am i saying what he did was right. im just trying to state the simple fact that no matter how much you want to believe in the goodness of other people, that wont change the fact that anyone can screw you over whenever they feel like it. especially when they have very little to fear. now you're down $225, $20+ in gas money, time, energy and you're on here complaining to "hopefully" get your money back and what do you have to show for it? a sh!tty paperweight.
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Now you can sit there and use your well educated words to make yourself seem bright.. But in actuality I never sat there and asked for my money back.. I did say he should get banned from here wether he does it somewhere else who cares but he should never be allowed to sell an item on SFL.. This thread is for buyer/seller feedback am I right? So basically what I am doing hhn2002 is posting information of a bad seller and stating my buyer feedback.. So now if someone says that a person did them wrong they shouldnt "complain" on this section? So if all I am doing is "complaining" then what is this whole thread section for?
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