leaving FOREVER... TEARS


im sure more of u are leaving too, but im leaving for Tallahassee tomorrow!!! and greazy's leaving for orlando.... im all alone! :( I'm gonna miss u all!! Well, I def had a great summer! Ill see you guys in ocala/ orlando!

im sad

a vid that greazy wrote for me.... http://www.musicvideocodes.us/code.php?id=1679
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Same here i only met you once but your a cool chick and Tyler you know your my boy I'll see you around buddy. BTW Andy Milonakis is a funny little ****er.

rwdrift said:
Have fun in FSU.
FSU=Fat-Slut-University. I'm still a 'Nole fan though enjoy yourself there.
well, we have a special relationship.... he knows how much I like the wang.... hes a charmer
100% honesty, if i were forced to watch Andy Milonakis, I would try my hardest to kill myself. I CANNOT stand him one bit. Anytime I've watched his **** and given him a chance, I got so mad that could have easily broken the tv or computer screen where it was playing...it took seconds to get that angry btw. If forced to choose between killing my own mother or watching Andy Milonakis, I would kill my mother.

Anyway, I really don't know you b/c anytime you're around me it seems like you stop talking like you're some sort of peeping tom stalker that just got busted. It's OK though, if I were a girl, I'd stalk me too. Either way, have a blast in Talle...you should meet up with Frank. He'll be at the Ocala event this weekend and he's Freshman at FSU too. I'm sure you've seen him around.
i hate andy milonokis! i dont understand y he gets a show and god doesnt, god and gods friends can do funnier things than him!
dori dori said:
Anyway, I really don't know you b/c anytime you're around me it seems like you stop talking like you're some sort of peeping tom stalker that just got busted. It's OK though, if I were a girl, I'd stalk me too.

what the HECK??
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