Krome Penit

doors shutting? :confused: there isnt even a door on the property. u probably heard spray paint cans or beer bottles breaking cuz those shits are all over the place
like i said, its all mental.

yup. ive been there many times and im more worried about getting bit by a spider or a snake. i almost ran into a fuckin web one time with a long legged spider just chilling there.....
yup. ive been there many times and im more worried about getting bit by a spider or a snake. i almost ran into a fuckin web one time with a long legged spider just chilling there.....

yea, im not gonna lie, im still a little creeped out, but your more creeped out for what you dont know is there
That place is alright but not scary at all. I have been out there at night like 5 times. You have to be more worried about the assholes on the roof throwing rocks and beer bottles at you than anything else.
I went out there one night and ran into another group after a while they were trying to screw with us but they didn't know how sneaky i was and just when and started scaring the crap out of them because everywhere they turned something fell or came flying out but as much as they would look around they couldn't find me since i was always moving slow quiet and calculated making sure not to make a was fun in the end they were like dude were the fuck were you? i just smiled and said I don't know what your talking about...
I love abandoned buildings...


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