
another tinfoil hat broadcast

Kony 2012.

make this guy rich
send him your moneys:chair:

its long as fuck and yes i watched it all


im actually surprised this hasnt made it to this site yet, with all the governement takeover and internet shutdown propaganda you all love so much
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I watched the first few minutes of that, as I was taking a shit. After I was done shitting, I turned it off because it was not worth my time. I would rather spend my money on my kids, or my car.
I watched the first few minutes of that, as I was taking a shit. After I was done shitting, I turned it off because it was not worth my time. I would rather spend my money on my kids, or my car.

That should be everyone's first priority, take care of your self and your loved ones first, if your fortunate enough to have a little to donate and help what seems to be a good cause then do so, if you can't no big deal.
Yeah first off Joseph kony hasn't been in Uganda or even seen involved in any terrorism groupes since 2006 and the invisible children is on all sorts of bad charity lists by watch dog groups. Obviously there are terrible things going on in the world but don't believe everything you see

Kony and the LRA have been ERADICATED and have been INACTIVE in Uganda since 2006; there is now a peace process in place.
Of the money that gets donated to Invisible Children, only 31% goes on their charity work. The rest goes to film making.
But this 31% of your money, that you either directly give to them or help them raise through sharing their video, goes toward causes like funding Uganda’s military and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (both of which have done despicable things, such as using rape as a weapon of war).

The organization behind Kony 2012 — Invisible Children Inc. — is an extremely shady nonprofit that has been called ”misleading,” “naive,” and “dangerous” by a Yale political science professor , and has been accused by Foreign Affairs of “manipulating facts for strategic purposes.” They have also been criticized by the Better Business Bureau for refusing to provide information necessary to determine if IC meets the Bureau’s standards. If you really want to help then send your money to non profits that are putting more than 31% toward rebuilding the nations medical and educational infrastructure, so that former child soldiers have something to come home to.

Enjoy your night you armchair activists.
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