Kanye West is a dumb f*ck

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Die Antwoord!!!! All about being a ninja fuck gangster rap.

YouTube- Die Antwoord - Enter The Ninja (Official)
I, I, I
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need my samurai
I, I, I
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection

I’m a ninja, yo
My life is like a videogame
I maintain when I’m in the zone
One player one life on the mic
I’m in the dark

Yo, ninja, go

No fuckin around I’m cutting down
Anyone in my path
Tryna fuck up my game with razor sharp
Lyrical throw stars
Killin’ my flow

Hos! Ska!

Wild, outta control

Ninja skop befokte rof taal
Rough rhymes, tough times
Met fokkol kos, skraal
Till I hit triple seven at the ATM
Straight famine or feast,
When you’re living on the razor edge
Stay sharp, sharp
Rolling with the $O$
High energy
Never seen zef so fresh
Uh, when we mic check
Hi-def flow’s best

Motherfucking the best
We not like the rest
My style is UFO
Totally unknown
You can’t fuck with my new Zef flow
I’m hard to miss
“You can’t do this, you can’t do that”
Yo, fuckin’ who said so?
I do what I like
Too hot to handle, too cold to hold
You can’t fuck with the chosen one
I-I-I want the knife
I’m a Ninja

Hook x2

Ninja is poes cool
But don’t fuck with my game
Boy or I’ll poes you
Life is tough
When I get stuck
When my time is up
I push through
Till I break-break-break
on through to the other side
Fantastically poor with faces like a stalker

Ninja is hardcore
Been cut so deep, feel no pain
Its not sore
Don’t ask for kak or
You’ll get what you ask for
I’m like a wild animal in the corner
Waiting for the break of dawn
Trying to get through the night
Just a man with the will to survive
My blade swing freely
Decapitate a hater with amazing ease
This is not a game, boy
Don’t play with me
I work my light sabre like a wild fucking savage
from the dark side danger
Yin to the yang
Totally Hi-Tek Ninjas
Motherfucking big in Japan
I seen the future, but I never got nothing in my hand
Except a microphone, big dreams and a plan
Fly-talking, sky-walking
Like a ninja

Hook x2

Fuck, this is like
The coolest song I ever heard in my whole life
Fuck all of you who said I wouldn’t make it
Who said I was a loser
Said I was a no-one
Said I was a fuckin’ psycho
But look at me now:
All up on the interweb
World-wide, 2009. futurista
Enter the ninja
Yolandi Visser
DJ Hi-Tek
Die fokken Antwoord

I, I, I (I’m a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need my samurai
I, I, I (yo I’m a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection

I, I, I (I’m a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need my samurai
I, I, I (a motherfuckin’ ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection
just throwin out a question.....if you guys were in these rappers shoes before they made it big (just try to imagine) living how they lived "coming from nothing" as alot of them say.. what would you reallly have to talk about apart from the selling drugs and doing what you had to do to put food on the table...?

its the life they were pretty much, not forced but grew into and you all say okay go get a job and an education and this and that but.....its still much easier said than done having grown in the environment theyve grown in.

i dont know any of you guys and cant say how you were raised or where you come from but why hate on someone for making it in the only way the knew how?...

just a question....
The thing is they flaunt it like their proud of selling drugs and commiting crimes and hate the cops because they got caught for their mistakes.
just throwin out a question.....if you guys were in these rappers shoes before they made it big (just try to imagine) living how they lived "coming from nothing" as alot of them say.. what would you reallly have to talk about apart from the selling drugs and doing what you had to do to put food on the table...?

its the life they were pretty much, not forced but grew into and you all say okay go get a job and an education and this and that but.....its still much easier said than done having grown in the environment theyve grown in.

i dont know any of you guys and cant say how you were raised or where you come from but why hate on someone for making it in the only way the knew how?...

just a question....

And I'll answer your question. THIS IS AMERICA, not HAITI, not SOMALIA. Every city has SCHOOLS, every city has JOBS. Oh boo hoo they had a tough life, living off well fare and living in the buildings the "white man/government " built for them to live in which, were all by the way completely TRASHED and you now know them as the "projects". Making it the only way they knew how? Are you fucking kidding me? Look the FUCK around you, huh? Restaurants... umm people driving vehicles... uh hmm clerks... teachers... business owners.... Nope I'm black and according to you I cant comprehend what any of those could mean all I know is deal crack and heroin. WHAT!?
just throwin out a question.....if you guys were in these rappers shoes before they made it big (just try to imagine) living how they lived "coming from nothing" as alot of them say.. what would you reallly have to talk about apart from the selling drugs and doing what you had to do to put food on the table...?

its the life they were pretty much, not forced but grew into and you all say okay go get a job and an education and this and that but.....its still much easier said than done having grown in the environment theyve grown in.

i dont know any of you guys and cant say how you were raised or where you come from but why hate on someone for making it in the only way the knew how?...

just a question....

Selling drugs is not forced in todays society, thats like saying, terrorists are forced to blow shit up because where they come from they have no chance at anything...
rap music sucks now
sugarhill gang, afrika bambaataa, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, kool moe dee and all that old shit is where its at
Yeah this is a great topic and all and imma let you finish but.... the holy crapola thread is wayyy better than this one
And I'll answer your question. THIS IS AMERICA, not HAITI, not SOMALIA. Every city has SCHOOLS, every city has JOBS. Oh boo hoo they had a tough life, living off well fare and living in the buildings the "white man/government " built for them to live in which, were all by the way completely TRASHED and you now know them as the "projects". Making it the only way they knew how? Are you fucking kidding me? Look the FUCK around you, huh? Restaurants... umm people driving vehicles... uh hmm clerks... teachers... business owners.... Nope I'm black and according to you I cant comprehend what any of those could mean all I know is deal crack and heroin. WHAT!?


obvoiulsy you didnt read the part where i said try to imagine yourself in their shoes before they made it anywhere...i know there are schools and jobs and cars and all that good stuff but when your actually in their position your mostly likely gonna look for the easiest way out and yes the "projects" were made for them and completely trashed but in alot of the cases....when your born into somewhere already trashed...theres not much you can do about it

Selling drugs is not forced in todays society, thats like saying, terrorists are forced to blow shit up because where they come from they have no chance at anything...

i didnt say selling drugs was forced into anywhere i said " they were not forced but grew up in" or something like that
You guys are taking this too serious. We have to remember rap or any kind of music is just a form of entertainment not a publication in the New York Times, It doesnt have to make perfect sense. Do comedians mean everything they say? Do all paintings depict exactly what the artist intended? Does poetry alwass make perfect sense? No, we just like it because it makes us feel good.

I am not going to lie, I like JayZ's and Kanye's music. Not ALL but there are songs that have good beats and flow well. Thats why I like them, not because the verses are constructed in perfect english and are free of fallacies. In all fairness there are a lot of there are songs that are terrible and just talk about dumb crap. Much of mainstream rap is crap and the same could possibly be said about other music genres.

I love hardcore rock but there have many times I have read the lyrics and asked myself how I could possibly like this stuff. The lyrics suck and I cant even understand them because the guys is just screaming. But I just like the way the music sounds and how it makes you feel.

Most importantly you have to understand they want to sell records so they will say what sells.
I dont listen to music to rip on it. I like all kinds of music. I listen to a lot of electronic and hip hop in my car cause i have a nice system and i like bass. But sometimes I just happen to notice rappers saying some really dumb shit and I think "if this is how a lot of people in the hood see the world, then no wonder they will never make it out of the hood"

It's the same as the 'whocanisue.com' garbage, always looking for a freebie rather than achieving something through actual work.

I'm not saying some people don't have hard situations coming up in the world but when individuals assign blame for their situation to others or circumstance, they are giving up and looking for a handout. The people who are successful in life go out and get what they want.

Hell I wouldnt even have too much of a problem with the things some of these guys have done to get where they are as long as they don't fucking cry and whine once theyre on top. They went out and got what they wanted, GOOD FOR THEM, now shutup and get on with it, no one wants to hear whining. We dont care how hard your life was, youre a millionaire now, dont expect anyone to feel bad for you selling drugs 15yrs ago.

There's a great old poem

Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone,
For the sad old earth must borro its mirth, yet has troubles enough of its own
Unfortunately this is a never ending argument. Nothing is going to be fair, nothing is going to make sense. That is life. We just have to make the best of what we have, we can try and change things, but there is always going to be bullshit in this world.

Personally I hate the fact that they make so much money shoveling garbage down the youth's throats. Me, I can't change anything about it, the only thing I can do is not focus on it so I don't get pissed off. The amount of money they make is preposterous, does it help that they talk about race and drugs, etc?? NO it only makes things worse, but on an entertainment point of view I can see how it can sell, does it make sense no, but it still makes the "higher power" people rich AKA "jews". That is why its turned to shit, you can blame a certain race, you can say whatever you want, but in reality its the higher power that is controlling and telling you what to listen to. Who pays Jay Z? Who pays Kanye? That is who we must diminish and throw in a whole deeper than infiniti. We can blame Kanye and Jay Z or what have you, but in reality your just shooting the messenger. I'm not saying all rap is bad and all there music is horrible, I'm just saying that millions of kids are growing up singing this "nonsense" while they are on the way to school. It puts bad ideas in there head and of course its going to upset a balance of race, drugs, premarital sex, etc, etc... Eventually leaving this country for shit.

If I could guess the future, America is a place I wouldn't want to be in.

*** PS great topic btw. People, try not to get heated, just say what you feel or think. I'm not saying that I'm right, this is my opinion on this matter.
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You guys are taking this too serious. We have to remember rap or any kind of music is just a form of entertainment not a publication in the New York Times, It doesnt have to make perfect sense. Do comedians mean everything they say? Do all paintings depict exactly what the artist intended? Does poetry alwass make perfect sense? No, we just like it because it makes us feel good.

I am not going to lie, I like JayZ's and Kanye's music. Not ALL but there are songs that have good beats and flow well. Thats why I like them, not because the verses are constructed in perfect english and are free of fallacies. In all fairness there are a lot of there are songs that are terrible and just talk about dumb crap. Much of mainstream rap is crap and the same could possibly be said about other music genres.

I love hardcore rock but there have many times I have read the lyrics and asked myself how I could possibly like this stuff. The lyrics suck and I cant even understand them because the guys is just screaming. But I just like the way the music sounds and how it makes you feel.

Most importantly you have to understand they want to sell records so they will say what sells.
I am going to agree with you here. This argument blows anus anyways. Just let it be. if you need a reason to leave this country then your here for the wrong reasons....
What you think he raps for, to push a fuggin RAV4?

He bought his whole family whips, no Volvos.

Sounds like a winner to me.
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