Is Tomorrow the end of the world???


What are your thoughts guys, I think it's a hoax. Supposedly it's big news right now, can you imagine how embarrassed those people who believe it must feel tomorrow?
If anyone is going to heaven tomorrow, feelfree to contact me and ill come get all of your worldly possessions as I plan on staying behind..
LoL... as we get closer to the infamous 2012 more crazies are gonna come outta the woodwork with their stupid predictions...
World is never gonna end as it says in the Bible, this Harold Camping guy excluded quite a bit of Bible prophecy in his false teachings. He is saying that the world is gonna be destroyed completely by october this year and that doesnt even line up with the 7 years of tribulation after the rapture. This guy predicted back in '92 that the rapture was going to take place in 1994 and we are still here. While not everyone believes in Christianity, I for one will continue to look up everyday like a watchman on the wall waiting for the trumpet blast and the call to come up hither. Still it would be good to have your hearts ready for Christ's return whether it would be tomorrow or sometime in the near or far off future.
Me and my friend are going to go down town dressed up as Jesus and the Devil
screaming "your gonna die" to everybody.
If you are religious....God is the only one who knows when he will end the world. Not even the angles know, only god. That being said, this guy making these claims, is a false prophet, and therefore, he is a sinner. With him being a sinner, he would go to hell, so he is basically making all this ruckus for him to go to hell.

If you are not don't give a shit anyways.

win win situation.
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