ipod touch help

ok so i just got an ipod touch and itts not hooking up to my itunes it says
this ipod cannot be used becouse the required software is not installed run the itunes installer to remove i tunes then install i tune again ive done all that like 4 times and its still not working can enyone help
ya from itunes.com it hooked up the first time and it told me to download the latest version thats when it started happening

is there a link or something that you can give me for the latest version cuz ive used the one on itunes and its not working

well after spending 10 hours looking aroung and trying diffrent sethings i finaly got it if enyone has this prob let me know i will walk you truw it

well after spending 10 hours looking aroung and trying diffrent sethings i finaly got it if enyone has this prob let me know i will walk you truw it
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