initial d Ver4 at bird bowl challenge

ive been going to play initial d ver4 but i need a good challenge im calling out anybody who plays hit me up so we can battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o shit its already out!!! yo son i suggest u put in about a week of practice before we go at it....u gonna need it :laugh:
Played it tonight I have to say its was kinda okay had its good and bad things. First, nobody(good) was there second way tooo expensive 4$$ bux for a card WTF? Seems dead from all i know :( i need to know the times you people go or something. I got bored quick and my ten bux ended fast:mad:
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ima go to initiald

today at 10:15 ima go to initial d at bird bowl i lost my card and got a new one so racers you got a chance to beat me 92ave sw 40st drifters beware:bigthumbu:bigthumbu
i played it the first week it was there...its pretty much the same as the previous one.. graphics are better.. and yeah its expensive.. 1 dollar everytime even when u win..& 4 bucks for the card
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anybody that is good in initial d

yo is there anybody that is good because man i cant be beat at that game and there is no one to race so anybody good out there hit me up pm me to play because initial d is getting boring with no challenges:bigthumbu:bigthumbu:bigthumbu
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