Improvements within the Drift Community...your thoughts?

rwdrift said:
I still can. You are sugar coating the whole idea.

Estie was not so lucky either in an OSW event. I remember him speaking of something breaking at an event there, and Mike (Ayes) had to tow his ass with a single cam 240 on the side of the road.

This is drifting. Sh*t happens eventually and driver's should be aware of that. Even a driver with a month's worth of experience (track or street) knows that you're pushing a car hard and things might break.

You can find ways to cover yourself. At a drift event, there is always someone willing to help out. I believe it was Rob (drumfunken) that crashed his s14 in OSW and was allowed to keep the car in storage there until he found a cost efficient way to get the car out of there. There's also AAA, which gives you a variety of different programs, all which cover the travel distance one way from an event at a very reasonable cost. These programs apply to anywhere you are. Whether breaking down street sliding in the next county or in Orlando.

Greg (SilEightyBoi) also crashed at OSW. With a few supplies around the track he was able to rig his car to make the trip back home. The same happened to Jose (DhSil80), and he was able to get the car rigged well enough to make it home the very next day.

Now, you can argue that drifting is all about levels of commitment. But we cannot have a 1:10 ratio of people that are willing to plan and go to far away events with contingencies to people who just want to attend an event where it's all good if they break down, because they are a stone throw's away from their house.

I'm glad to see more people getting in this sport. I really am. Some people are determined to learn no matter what. And it's not only someone who has a 15 year old 240sx worth less than a set of wheels with very little to lose. People with new cars, people with cars that have quite a bit invested into them. New mustangs, Rx-8s, s2000s, etc.

Now I'm saying that more people have to step it up and plan contingencies every time they go to an event. Its not that hard. Many here travel with essential quick fixes: JB Weld, Zipties, etc... Rick (240SicknessX) even traveled with a spare diff on his car.

There are so many cases where we overcame a mechanical problem... mainly because we are not scarred of dealing with it.

- Erick

The main problem is money dude, making a trip to orlando or ocala makes a big dent in my pocket hence why i havent been to a an even up there since the last DG event in OCCC. I just dont have the funding i work and bust my ass to pay my rent, car, credit card, cell phone, food, gas, insurance x2. I have driven up to ocala with spare tC rods, tie rods, clucth fan etc. I just cant afford to go to all events, is been 2 months since the last time i was able to buy new drift tires. i love drifting and all of you know that, i have crashed and have my car ready in less than a week. Its just some people have lives past drifting, i want a house, i want to finish my school. I dont see drifting as a way to become a pro, I see as a hobby something i do to free my mind, just like when i do MMA it releases the stress. If ter tech keeps on throwing event down here i will keep on drifting their events, if nick hogan throws that homestead event i will be there, i might go to one orlando event once a year. But the closer to me the event the less of a dent it leaves on my pocket. ex: Tertech @ WPB = $140 OSW event= $350 .
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Oh I get you, money is a problem here too.

I'm beyond lucky that I can still live with my old man and avoid many bills. But as an international student, I'm also confined to shitty on campus jobs which I can only work part time. Worse of all, even as a foreigner, working part time at minimum wage (15 hours), my paycheck still gets taxed considerably.. and I wont see a dime of that because I am not a citizen.

Basically any money I get goes straight into drifting.

But I don't know... the whole cost of an event is arguable. I mean... Ocala, yes, you waste mad gas. But how many were camping this last night @ OSW to avoid paying a hotel? How many sacrificed so many expenses in the name of sliding? We make drifting expensive because we want more for ourselves and our cars. We want new tires instead of used, we want mods, we want comfort (hotel, etc). I mean, there are a few here from Hialeah who have been sliding around in the most stock of cars.

But I'm not going to say that modifying our cars and spoiling ourselves is a bad thing. We all do it. But maybe it's the fact that you have to sacrifice more while married, etc... I dunno then. Most guys here are single tho... so they can manage their money in a more drifting-oriented manner.
rwdrift said:
and accident free!! (except for Rick Dukes of Hazzarding the banking :D)

I never flew off the banking.......... I flew off while trying to manji down the back strait which put me near the banked 180.... Didnt fly off it though, and just a little bit of grass was ruffled.....

Oh btw, an event with hotel expenses runs me around 500 dollars w\ new tires. including car prep, tolls and all the little misc shit.
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Going back to topic, after doing some further thinking, I just realized an idea that was brought up by someone else on this site. Looking back towards the beginning of the site, I'd say part of the reason why theres a few of us that are a tight knit group is because of the meets we had started. The meets gave us a face to the screennames we interact with each day online. It gave us a way to get to know each other better. And among many things, it gave us a way to get along with each other better. It's part of the reason why we don't take shit seriously when people say things that would normally bother someone. And when theres someone who gets bothered at what someone says to them, thats because most of the time it's someone we haven't met or hung out with personally. MasterRex came to mind when I typed that. rwdrift, Mr. Erick Mahle, brought up the idea that we should have BBQ's or events where we could gather everyone from the site to come and hang out. Doing so can help everyone get to know each other better and in turn can make the community a better place to be in. To summarize, more meets!.

this is very important for any online community, putting a face and personality with a username is so important for ppl to get along...and makes everyone alot more tight-knit like you said. i saw this start to happen after we started getting mroe events. seems like everyone just wants to drive, no drama, no bs, just seat time.

But you can't really blame them. You have to take into consideration that if something happens to their car at a drift event thats 4 hours away from where they live, it's not going to be easy getting their car back. I can think of how lucky slide-ways-for-five-days was that Ter-Tech was there to give his car a lift back home, even if the event was 2 hours away.

yea dont get me started, money is tight for most ppl w/o going to drift events(not to mention a few hours away), and for most its a hobby, and you do a hobby only as much as you can afford. if your personal situation lets you devote 100% of your weekends and $$ to drifting, then power to you, but not everyone can, some ppl have alot on there plate. plus its not like we have problems filling up spots, i dont see the cause for concern in this area.

i think the way events are run will help the community alot. No more of this autocross style set up for runs. 4 runs then pull off. We need a lot or small track where laps can be done and you pull on as you are ready.

awesome idea, like GIR...soooo much seat time. and so much more relaxed.

POSERS!!!!!!!! Where????? not on this forum. well except for the girls most have left. This forum is the real deal anybody that doesnt drift 1. probably has a broken car or 2 still helps out at events in someway 3 both of the above or 4. a quiet less noticable poser bug that is easily squished and we be delt with.


also, there are begining to be more and more events as it is, there is 2 or 3 other tracks/lots(just that i know of) that we arent currently sliding that are in the works now.

basically i am taking the time now to get the car up to par, then will slide as many events as reaonably and financially possible for me...and others are doing the same...the scene will have no problems growing, thats for sure, we just need to keep it healthy and positive.
I like the direction things are going...people know what drifting is and they want to go watch it...we are growing and there are NOTICEABLY more events now than even just a year ago! I can't wait to see where things go! :)
David A said:
I like the direction things are going...people know what drifting is and they want to go watch it...we are growing and there are NOTICEABLY more events now than even just a year ago! I can't wait to see where things go! :)

hey david, casco and a few othe people told me you were selling your m3 and getting an evo?
Here is how legends are born:
Less posting on internet, more calling around to arrange events, street drifting, working on your car, working to afford going to events/pay for tires, etc.

If you have a venue in mind, give me a call - 941-224-7235 - and I'll see what I can work out. Me/DGtrials will make something happen if the happening is possible.
i camped at ows event was fun i thought more people were going to camp at the event from what the forums were saying...i dont pay for tires i go to every place that changes tires and beg for used tires and they give them to me without a problem for the most part...hobbies are expensive...but at least if you saved a quarter a day

.25 x 365 days a yr is $91.25

thats one drift admission at 55 bucks
leaves you with 36.25 that will get you a full tank...if going to orlando thats give you a half a tank...drift all day... then all you will need is gas on return and food for the day and myculture can possibaly help you with image if you put a dollar away least you can slide one event a yr...haha ok **end rambling**
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