im not a virgin anymore

to drifting that is. first id like to say i had alot of fun at the event today it was my first time drifting Ever never even tried before because i built the car during the last few weeks and the motor probally hit 500 miles around 3:30 this moring so its pretty much the first time i actually took the car over 3000 rpms. I was the smurf blue 240sx with the silvia front end. i thought i did pretty good for my first time. i relized suspension is really a major issue. i had way too much body roll and couldnt catch the massive weight transfer. but thanks to every1 that made this car possible in such little time and the amount of work that needed to be done. thanks to every1 that help with the event i had a blast and cant wait to rape my car agin! o and every y that said the car would never make it i guess you were worng
and every1 that said i would just grip drift the whole course you were deffinatly wrong :laugh: :bigthumbu :bigthumbu
trd88supra said:
to drifting that is. first id like to say i had alot of fun at the event today it was my first time drifting Ever never even tried before because i built the car during the last few weeks and the motor probally hit 500 miles around 3:30 this moring so its pretty much the first time i actually took the car over 3000 rpms. I was the smurf blue 240sx with the silvia front end. i thought i did pretty good for my first time. i relized suspension is really a major issue. i had way too much body roll and couldnt catch the massive weight transfer. but thanks to every1 that made this car possible in such little time and the amount of work that needed to be done. thanks to every1 that help with the event i had a blast and cant wait to rape my car agin! o and every y that said the car would never make it i guess you were worng
and every1 that said i would just grip drift the whole course you were deffinatly wrong :laugh: :bigthumbu :bigthumbu

is this Chris Jackson???? lol yea i saw you drifting today i met you at the meet in boca in the parking garage a month or two back. you did alright for a beginner.
you chris i def. agree POPPA SMURF FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see chris im now your certified ka motor build specialitest built 2 for the event and both ran perfect !!!! yes
i say leave it that color but sand it down and paint it correctly!!!!!!!! it would be perfect for u chris
Piner said:
Imagine a 240 that looks like a blue bowling ball

LOL something like that.... not even my first spray paint job came out like that. Probably a shade darker than what Greg's old Sil80 was.
trd88supra said:
it was outside and pretty dark and the condensation killed it but sill good for 14 dollars

lets not forget it was also painted IN YOUR FRONT YARD!!!!!

Blue grass ftl LOL
chris if u paint that car a diffrent color ill never help u with your leaking car again(and u know u need it!)lol. i say we leave the decesion up to sleep! all in favor...........

poll leave car papa smurff blue +1

change color-1

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