I totalled my daily tonight..... pics....

Sorry for your loss man. Im glad your alright. However, do you have anything your going to part off of that XB? My sister has a black XB she wants to do up. Let me know on PM what ya got...if anything. :bigthumbu
whoa that sucks but yea its a good thing youre alright. good luck new car shopping
LowRisksCC MA47 said:
Sorry for your loss man. Im glad your alright. However, do you have anything your going to part off of that XB? My sister has a black XB she wants to do up. Let me know on PM what ya got...if anything. :bigthumbu

unfortunately... nothing really worth salvaging. sorry....
sucks man... yea setbelts do save lives.. i got in an accident that my head hit the pillar instead of the window.. got fuked up too... all because i wasnt wearing my seatbelt..

evo ftw... theres definately more 350z than evos out there
G35>350z... just personal opinion.

I assume that the Scion was the parts car and the stang was the performance car? I think with the prices of gas I would get a TC and something fun..... maybe an SN95 if you want to stick with the stang or S14

Glad to hear you are ok. hope all is well. his isurance covering everything?
Thank god you were wearing your seat belt. ya have to remember no matter how shitty the situation is, you are here able to rebuild and continue.

In high school alot of my friends were in rear end car accidents where they were the victims, its a instilled fear to always watch my rear view mirror and leave myself an escape incase I spot something like this from happening.
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