I Love You Ticket Clinic

Devil Man

i just wanted to let everyone know that they are fucking leet and i love them... fucking got my shit thrown out.. i FUCKING LOVE YOU TICKET CLINIC.

now if only the "man" wasnt surpressing me here in naples i would be set and they could work there magic here.. but unfortunatly the "man" wont let it happen
lol you coulda just went yourself and saved some money. chances are the cop didnt show up like 99.999998% of the time
i could care less... they took care of that shit old fashion way of good ole government corruption im sure. and i could give a damn.
lol lawyers are they best thing. the ticket that i fought myself i lost my license to :( evry other one went to a lawyer and i still got no points and i have had about 15 tickets :eek:
i fight all my tickets myself after the lawyer i hired did NOTHING!!! he got the points taken off of a ticket...... thing is, the ticket didnt give me points! only 1 ticket have i been fighting with for about 6 months and i havent won yet! i just keep playing the system until they give up on it
i bet if you slipped the judge a fity aka fifty(50) dollar bill... he will probably just dissmiss it as well.


the man is just holding me down here in naples is all... dont take no dirty money.
If you can't get all your points taken off and the fine at least drastically reduced in the pretrial, the state probably wants to prosecute you b/c your record sucks or whatever you did was that bad. In that case, hire a lawyer. Always go to the pretrial first though IMO - 9 times out of 10 you can take care of it there on your own. And its a pretrial so there is never an officer present.
i used to work in the plantation office .. its all a scam you can go your self and save the money all they do is go with a stack of cases and talk to the judge (most of the time not even a judge) having a cup of coffee believe it or not
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