i finally graduated!!! =)

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Thanx guys! but now i have some bad news.....I went out last nite to a party to celebrate in the KENDALL area (where i live) and when i came back to my car someone had stolen my JDM turn signals. They were on my 92 240sx. they were the half amber half white turn signals. they were brand new too. PLEASE be on the lookout and see if u see anyone trying to sell them or something because i think i have a prime suspect but he doesnt drive an S13

heres wut they look like
i THINK it was a dark green Zenki S14 with bronze work emotions and a roof spoiler. he was turbo too and dropped on coilovers
i THINK it was a dark green Zenki S14 with bronze work emotions and a roof spoiler. he was turbo too and dropped on coilovers

We already know what car he drives we know his name and he's a member of this forum hes fucked if we find him.

**UPDATE** Seems to me this motherfucker likes to cause trouble here on the boards his name is Bryan aka Vaca he had usernames Joker305 and Breezy hes been banned I just got his AIM and his Phone number thanks to some previous posts.
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We already know what car he drives we know his name and he's a member of this forum hes fucked if we find him.

**UPDATE** Seems to me this motherfucker likes to cause trouble here on the boards his name is Bryan aka Vaca he had usernames Joker305 and Breezy hes been banned I just got his AIM and his Phone number thanks to some previous posts.

thanx for the help now i wanna ask the other sfldrifters if they had ever done any transactions with mr joker305.
If all else fails, and you seem to realize you cant do shit...join the military like i did. National Guard for the win!!! Ship out in a few months. Who else is gonna give you a check for $20k just for signing. I graduated in 06. Havent done shit but party and part time jobs ever since. Money for school is tighter than ever. Military pays 100% tuition, plus all those benefits. I mean with all the training in jobs you can pick from, its a great experience. Im stoked. But dont overthink the reality of it. Im not a recruiter but this is the same thing i tell everyone that graduates and/or tells me they cant seem to get their life on track. Good luck out there, and congrats on graduating. Take care.
Just dont do nothing dumb lol,
Ive been there done that.
Prison isnt like jail homie, believe me.
Big difference lol.
4 worst days of my fucking life.
BTW If ur gonna shoot him make sure u go get a permit for a fire arm first.
IM kidding...half serious only:ugh:
^shoot below the knees! lol..jkjk


Welcome to the slap in the face called "the real world."
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