hows the war on legalizing mary jane going?

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if they make it legal, ppl who sell pot will have to start selling other things cuz you know starbux and cvs will have that game on lock.
if they make it legal, ppl who sell pot will have to start selling other things cuz you know starbux and cvs will have that game on lock.

lol cvs, white rhino On Sale! Northern Lights buy 1oz get 2nd oz %25 off
they are trying to fully legalize weed in cali so they can tax the shit out of it to get out of all there debt but i highly doubt it will happen. Stuck up old ass white people that use to smoke back in the 60s and 70 are now against it and swear they never did it are gonna stop it from passing. Hell my parents finally admited to me that they use to blaze.
they are trying to fully legalize weed in cali so they can tax the shit out of it to get out of all there debt but i highly doubt it will happen. Stuck up old ass white people that use to smoke back in the 60s and 70 are now against it and swear they never did it are gonna stop it from passing. Hell my parents finally admited to me that they use to blaze.

We can tell your parents use to "Smoke out".
my dad has a phd in enginering did you even graduate high school?

Yeah i have a Diploma and did 1 year in college. I would ask you the same but im pretty sure you don't even know what a Diploma is..
I think it's funny that California has legal medicinal weed but it's still federally illegal.
I also saw once on tv that they offer growing classes so u can be a medicinal weed provider LOL
i really could careless if its legal or not cuz im smoke regardless plus if its legal knowing America they wont make it affordable their gonna tax the shit out of it which is why there will still be dealers hooking it up for the low low so making it legal wont really change much
I have no clue what the fuck you people are talking about and who is Mary Jane?

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