how would you set up an event?

hey guys i just want to know wat i'd have to do if i had permission from someone to use there 2 big empty parking lots to hold a drift event,would i need any sort of legal papers from the state or owner,would i need and safety stand by,ect.
please help me out,this could real work out good for all of us,thank you
or maybe you should contact some of the people who already know how to hold events down here and have them take care of it...
Motorsport insurance is expensive as hell. You have the doe for that?

If the guy has something in his hands, why not just tell him who to talk to instead of continuously stating the obvious and shitting on his idea?

As mentioned, hosting events can get expensive fast, but there's plenty of people out there doing it. You can talk to Harri (Ter-Tech) about what's needed to host an event. Tim (hachi) also hosted many events with Drift Sessions, and although he's doing his own thing right now, I'm sure he can also help you by pointing a finger in the right direction.

Doing it on your own would probably be unlikely, and you would have to pull some strings to get everything done.

Do some research. If you already have someone letting you use a spot for an event, you have accomplished more than most people bragging about "hosting events" have.

- Erick
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