How to kill a engine in three easy steps


1st: Don't properly clamp the lower radiator hose

2nd: Drive at speeds of 100-110 miles per hour without knowing you don't have coolant in the engine... (temp guage said all was well..)

3rd: Listen to your bearings melt...

Next: wait for tow truck 5miles from Orlando because you're FUXKED
Jesus christ man. What is it with you and engines.

Im sorry to hear this though. Respond to my PM man, I feel like ****.
temp guage was reading normal cause it was reading.... AIR, lol, i used to deal with this every now and then when i was apprecticing at a shop
ouch man that sucks... are you still gonna be at osw tomarrow just not driving?
i can do it in 2 steps...

1. drain oil

2. turn on car.

bam its dead.

but that sucks bro you have the worst luck or something.
i think he likes the experiance of swapping ka's around and such.

atleast the engines arent blowing up in the same fashion every time.

good luck.

the engine seised for sure? or could you have warped the head?
you should have heard a rediculous amount of detonation before it died. If not, maybee something else was messed up. I guess it doesn't turn over?
Actually it did not Die as in no power... what happend was I started to hear a nasty spining noise... (maybe water pump going 100mph with no water? or the bearings could have been the noise) then I pulled off and after I put it in nutrual it died... once I came to a stop I started it again and it was idleing so I shut it off and checked under the hood... that's when I saw the whole thing was toasty, when I put water after it cooled down and tried to start it, water and cooked looking oil shot a few feet out of the bleeder screw and radiator... it will not start anymore (blown headgasket so water got in the cyls when I put it in...) It could be fixed but I'm just going to drop a new engine in.
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god..... thats stinks like good luck! ..... oh and this is why i dont have a coupe... these things always happen.. j/k i have to cheer you up some how
Thanks guys!! it really sucks :( Suaknee I can't thank you enough, everyone shake this guys hand next time you see him! I owe you one dude.. I doubt you will want me to help you with your engine though because I seem to be bad luck lol.
damn i feel bad for you.seriously i really do.i dont wish that kind of sh!t to happen to nobody.but damn u have to be more careful next ricky says to me always"triple check everything u take out and put in".damn i hope u find a motor soon and cheap.always k24 ok so it could be a k24de't.dont go with that retard sr20 crap.i really hate those motors.n-e-wayz good luck and wish u the best.
lets not reply to the "retard sr20 crap" comment. There are 5000000000 pages already about this argument.

but for the record, dont put in an sr20 but put in a tsx motor (k24)
green_machine said:
lets not reply to the "retard sr20 crap" comment. There are 5000000000 pages already about this argument.

but for the record, dont put in an sr20 but put in a tsx motor (k24)
hey thats the whole motors are known to be abused with water in the head,bananas in the block,and so on.u guys seen the video.thats hard azz there a video of a nissan thats could hold that abuse???i dont think so...that why i said k24 cause a honda motor wouldnt broken down that easily like the ka24de did.kenrik i really feel bad for what happen.its that this so called green machine wants to be a smart azz.but hey i bet when he had his civic he wasnt such a smart azz???thats why i deslike people with 240's.they think there all that.the only tru G with a 240 is my nigga ricky and his friend kenrik.
hey thats the whole motors are known to be abused with water in the head,bananas in the block,and so on.u guys seen the video.thats hard azz there a video of a nissan thats could hold that abuse???i dont think so...that why i said k24 cause a honda motor wouldnt broken down that easily like the ka24de did.kenrik i really feel bad for what happen.its that this so called green machine wants to be a smart azz.but hey i bet when he had his civic he wasnt such a smart azz???thats why i deslike people with 240's.they think there all that.the only tru G with a 240 is my nigga ricky and his friend kenrik.

well the KA can take quite a bit... I would guess I was running without coolant for at least 30miles @ 100-110mph... and the engine does still run, it just looses a bunch of compression into the coolant system and make a funny squeaking sound.

I'm stuck in orlando untill I can find a new engine.. blah
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