Holy Crapola!!!!!!!!

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And my dreams of a flat black car have come and gone, shits played the fuck out.


This 240sx looks free of all the hype, this look is why I love 240's




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wtf that car is ugly as fuck, nothing on the body fits right.

thats the beauty of it not everybody like clean ass cars sure they look good clean but some people like style n character u should read the post on speed hunters they explain it better n it makes sense to me cuz i can relate yea i like clean cars but never really pictured me ownin one ive always liked old cars that have money put into em so to me half the cars that arnt finished on this forum are the shit to me but to the owner its proly just a regular unfinished car
wtf that car is ugly as fuck, nothing on the body fits right.

its a drift car..i am sure its had its few share of bumps with other drivers/objects/barriers.....i dont really care for a cars looks even tho a clean car will always look better...driving>loooks anyday....and my favorite thing about that car is how low it sits even when sideways...
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