HIN media





Holly fuck this whole thread is crazy judges getting lit up, Jeremy cars looking good then crashed:confused: charlie killing shit na ka and jason and gary dooking it out fucking crazy, then the media bullshit
Holly fucking Sexynesssssssssssssss

Bad ass Mr. Lowe Bad ass! :bigthumbu:bigthumbu:bigthumbu

Thank you sir!

I finally for once, don't hate the way my car looks.

Holly fuck this whole thread is crazy judges getting lit up, Jeremy cars looking good then crashed:confused: charlie killing shit na ka and jason and gary dooking it out fucking crazy, then the media bullshit

Don't worry I didn't crash. Just tagged the wall hard enough to pop my bumper off. It was mechanical problems that took me out. But yeah it was a pretty gnarly weekend.
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Don't worry I didn't crash. Just tagged the wall hard enough to pop my bumper off. It was mechanical problems that took me out. But yeah it was a pretty gnarly weekend.

Sweet it looks amazing i dig the white wheels i want sizes specs and happy to hear you just touched. Congrats to Jason Gary and Charlie you all are baller. And what happened to Dan?
WOW to the blue 350z... WELCOME TO THE CLUB. funny thing is you were just cracking on me from crashing my Z at the tertech event... karma bro karma. ull be back.
drift crash fix its all part of the game infortunately. I realy feel bad for adam his car was minted out mint i think it was only the second event since it was finished
(WOW to the blue 350z... WELCOME TO THE CLUB. funny thing is you were just cracking on me from crashing my Z at the tertech event... karma bro karma. ull be back.)

its all ready taken care of
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damn that dude got my first qualy run when I had the worst run of my day lmao. I scrubbed those new tires in really well though lol
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