HIN media

fc3s gary





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Qualy was best 2 of 3 runs and the air temp had dropped atleast 10 degrees since practice. It was a tough guess for tire pressures to go qualify under.

Qualifying order
1Charlie Thompson
2Gary James
3Miles Flick (no tandem do to missing cage bar)
4Jason Jiovani (spin on fresh tires, took out a non clip cone = 0, 3rd run was sweet)
5Matt Dahm (Blue 350z)
6Adam Williams (green RB 240sx)
7Patrick Goodin (dead clutch slave)
8Dan Chilton, Jeremy Lowe, Red Silvia Coupe (crashed/broke motor) did not do qualifying.

Tandem at night, is AWESOME. And face shields are something important when someone like gary shoots a ton of dirt/rubber/smoke into your eyeballs.

Charlie gets bye-run
Adam gets bye-run due to Miles being ineligable for tandem.

Jason Jiovani vs Matt Dahm
Jason Leads gets adv.
Matt Leads spins, Jason moves on.

Gary James vs Patrick Goodin
Gary spins taps wall with back end.
Pat Spins (i think)
-Pats slave makes it really impossible to challenge Gary and Gary takes the win.

Top 4
Jason Jiovani vs Charlie Thompson
Jason follows, straightens near 3 corner. Charlie Adv.
Charlie straightens (I was told?) near same spot and we are going
-Charlie leads and spins final corner. Jason adv
-Jason leads and has good clean run. Jason wins

Gary James vs Adam Williams:
Gary Leads and Adam hits the first turn wall hard with the frotn corner. unable to continue Gary takes the win.

Battle for 3rd:
Charlie by default of no opponent

Battle for 1st:
Gary James vs Jason Jiovani
Gary leads, no major errors from either from what I could tell, don't know advantage.
Jason leads, no major errors from either again I get to go
Gary leads, a little more outside in first turn, hold its a little long and has to slow down to make 2nd turn, Jason stays on him- Final turn Gary shallow around cones and Jason takes it to the wall. (I think we were even? but no information)

Jason leads, nice outside line turn 1, Gary spins somewhere around there/transition to turn 2. Not knowing that I do and extremely awesome 3rrd turn only to spin 20 ft from exit.

Jason wins. I assume it was due to the fact I made it 90% of the course as opposed to 30% before my spin.

They had noodles sticking out about 2-3 feet from the wall in the outside zones. According to the judges Gary's slammed car apparently went UNDER them in turn one while qualifying and according to a spectator I was hitting them in the final turn during the Battle for 1st.

Battle Scars:
Also that wall was touched more than you know! I wrecked my exhaust on it, Gary white rx7 backed in in tandem, Adam seafoam green front ended, Dan in red 350 widebody front ended, Pat white 240 coupe backed in, Matt blue 350 smacked back end, Charlie stock KA black hatch slapped back corner, J-Lo before black FC blew motor he hit rear on wall too, and I guess the red sil coupe hit it too (i didnt see that one). its was a really bumpy/slipper/dirty course and pretty gnarly to drive on.


I tried to post some pics I found online and they are alltoo big for SFL gallery so I'll do it lata
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Yep, every single car that tandemed hit the wall!

HIN organization sucks! no one knew what was going on! Screw the schedule!
The course layout kinda sucked and was too low speed.
The parking lot surface really sucked and was unpredictable! felt sorry for the drivers.

The fans on the other hand! were awsome and eating it up!
I have no idea how many people were there! It was still fun!

We were even told to stop cause it got to loud.........WTF

And the US Drift organizers got Shot Up Bad on the interstate in their rental car.
They were fine, rental co was pissed!
J-Lowe blew another rotary.......

Who would have thought!

Cough V8 cough cough.

Another cracked housing. Not too bummed because my car actually looks pretty good for once, and I finally have it back in my possession after it being at a body shop for 3 months. Should be pretty cheap to get it back together. Gary's car ran flawless the whole time. Maybe my foot is heavier??
The judges went to Ybor on Friday night and on way to hotel a car cut them off on interstate. Then slowed down next to them and emptied 5 rounds into the side of the car. Shattered one window and another went through door, then seat, and hit Marty in the leg. It only left a bruise.

*bonus irony...
Rental company didnt like them and I dont know where they got the new rental from but they got a Dodge CALIBER to ride out in lmao.
I got video and a guy Greg, who filmed for Stuntwars and Datyona event stuff, came out with me with 3 cameras. So once I get those I'll have some sweet video.

Maybe my foot is heavier??

You sure do shift faster lmao
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why they took it?

They said I didn't have a media pass, since I was using a "Professional Camera" I had to surrender my footage, I told them it was on a HD & they proceeded to take my camera, I wasn't going to fight with them so I let them have it. I warned them if anything happened they're paying $5,500

I later ended up getting the camera back a hour later but my tape wasn't in it and there was a green sticker on the side of the camera and a note that stated why it was taken and I then had to be walked to the car by staff to put the camera away...WTF BS! I've seen others walking around too with camera I don't know why mine was taken.
WOW, sounds like you just had your 1st and 4th Amendments right broken. Just like when the cops try to take your camera away from a crime or scene = ILLEGAL, as long as your not INSIDE the tape. They cant take ANY footage away from you WHAT SO EVER!
They were being really stupid. I know the guy who filmed with me had a media pass waiting for him and they wouldn't even give it to him anyways. Saying that he is ok for drifting media but NOT for the whole show. Caused a big problem then because they only gave him a blue band to get in the gate and the drift pits were restricted. I had to fight to get him in there.

It did state somewhere though about accepted types of cameras by spectators. Still though. They might be a little anal it seems. This is to protect ESPNs rights that they paid for. Low quality is fine but the loose term of 'professional' they had as non acceptable cameras on the HIN site (I think it was where I saw it.)
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