Help a ninja out!

El Abe

How you feeling?
Fortune Auto USA has a contest and picked 10 finalist to win a set of coilovers i was one of the top 10 i would really appreciate if you guys would take some time and vote for me "BoostedKouki" for those who are newbs on this forum. Fortune Auto USA is located in Cali if i would win im pretty sure they would be interested in sponsoring more people down here in South Florida and i will put a good word in for you. Thanks in advance.

Here's the link:

*Click on the picture to vote in the poll*
i gwants a hialeah edition stikarrr..since i voted for u and all

Hialeah Edition<3 :bigthumbu
only reason i vted for you is cuz i think your cute!! but since you dont have the car anymore i should have voted elsewhere!
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