Hella Flush VI REMIX Miami Roll Out


Trolling hard since '09
What's up fellow drifters. I'm trying to see if we can organize a roll out to Hella Flush VI REMIX Miami just like we did with State of Stance. This roll out would obviously only involve people from West Palm Beach and above. Meeting point would be somewhere around West Palm Beach. LMK what you fellas think.
ill be there at the Velocity Factor venue tent. most likely handing out free shit and dealing with fanboys talking about VW's
ok people. confirm who is down to meet up. The spot would be at the mobil right off lakeworth and turnpike.
meet at sonics like we did for the state of stance meet, maybe?
i got the ls registerd so im rollin out in that full car already sorry for who ever wants a ride
ur less likely to break down in a stock car than ur 240...expecially cuz u did the swap

not really sr's are pretty dam reliable if done right. I've yet to have an sr blow on me. And fyi, i did the swap. and nothing looks nig rigged. In fact, I've been told I have a very clean swap.

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