Hatch Leak


ok im new to 240s i recently picked one up a few days back and its been raining and i noticed that water was collecting in the trunk pan. ok i have noticed that the trunck seals look new no rips or anything i have a quarter size rust hole on the inner side of the hatch by the quarter panel but the opening to the hole is in the track for the drain off could this be why its leaking or am i missing something ell help is appreciated
the water in the hatch usually comes from either the tail lights leaking or its going under the seal of the hatch
looks can be decieving, best thing u can do is 1 of 2, next time it rains hard jump in your car and look where the water is coming in or have someone hose the shit outta the car, again while ur inside looking for where the water is coming from
I know that my hatch leaked from two different spots, and that there is a TSB (I think) for the (1)rear tail lights' seals that let water in the trunk. (2)When you open the hatch there is a seam in the gutter that leaks. (3)The rear window where it meets with the lower part of the hatch also leaks. Goodluck! The car also leaks at passenger and driver side windows, I haven't figured out a way to repair this problem yet (doesn't leak enough for me to care).
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