

Hey sfl last night someone try to brake into my 240 so now I'm looking to buy a gun so if anyone is selling one not to expensive because Im tight on money et me know asap thanks for reading
Lol does this count as premeditated? Bro, get an alarm, tint ur windows, or get rid of the 240. Sadly, they are slowly becoming honda-ish where u can't leave them parked in the open anymore
If u shot someone tryin to break into ur car u will go to jail, I swear this guy makes stupid ass threads, next one will be hairy or shaved balls
thats a bad idea, and a bad reason to own a gun... I own a few guns and I'm telling you its a bad idea.

you can get yourself in a shit ton on trouble if u use it incorrectly. like "my car is getting stolen scenario"

1. you get mad cause ur 240 is getting stolen and you shot the guy. if he survives you go to jail... and you might have a shady ass ***** trying to get back at you.
2. if you kill him you go to jail... for a long ass time, specially if he didnt have a gun.
3. if you just want to scare the thieve and shot the gun, you will probably go to jail... still attempt of murder.
4. if you just want him to see u got a gun so he can run away and not shot it, you might get shot cause he might have one and he wont be afraid to use it. if your going to pull it out you better use it.

I own my weapons for recreational purpose and "IN HOME DEFENSE", means if they break inside the house. not the drive way. inside the house is a whole different deal. there your in control and you are aloud to defend your family.

trust me I would be the first person to tell you that if your an asshole enough take my car that I work hard for the you deserve to get shot. but you might get in more trouble than you think if you go that route.

now if you have a bunch of friends in your local police dept then is a whole different story. ;)
sorry Dr henao but there is a lot of mis information in your post.

There is a law in florida that is called the stand you ground law.

To summarize you can use deadly force to prevent bodily harm to you or other people anywhere your are legally allowed to be ( Your house the park etc) under the new laws you can shoot someone ANYWHERE you are legally allowed to be as long as you have due cause , you are being car jacked or mugged etc


To prevent a forcible felony, for example being robbed your car being stolen etc

You can read more information here, remember the law states specificly "It establishes that law-abiding residents and visitors may legally presume the threat of bodily harm" that means that you have be believe they will hurt you, a good example is someone committing a forcible felony (i.e. stealing your car) and being caught in the act, i was sure he was gonna attack me.

better yet

It establishes that law-abiding residents and visitors may legally presume the threat of bodily harm or death from anyone who breaks into a residence or occupied vehicle and may use defensive force, including deadly force, against the intruder.

In any other place where a person “has a right to be,” that person has “no duty to retreat” if attacked and may “meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”

In either case, a person using any force permitted by the law is immune from criminal prosecution or civil action and cannot be arrested unless a law enforcement agency determines there is probable cause that the force used was unlawful.

If a civil action is brought and the court finds the defendant to be immune based on the parameters of the law, the defendant will be awarded all costs of defense.

and preventing a forcible felony means

776.08 Forcible felony.

"Forcible felony" means treason; murder; manslaughter; sexual battery; carjacking; home-invasion robbery; robbery; burglary; arson; kidnapping; aggravated assault; aggravated battery; aggravated stalking; aircraft piracy; unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb; and any other felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.
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sorry Dr henao but there is a lot of mis information in your post.

There is a law in florida that is called the stand you ground law.

To summarize you can use deadly force to prevent bodily harm to you or other people anywhere your are legally allowed to be ( Your house the park etc)


To prevent a forcible felony, for example being robbed your car being stolen etc

You can read more information here, remember the law states specificly "It establishes that law-abiding residents and visitors may legally presume the threat of bodily harm" that means that you have be believe they will hurt you, a good example is someone committing a forcible felony (i.e. stealing your car) and being caught in the act, i was sure he was gonna attack me.

this is true, but iam sure this kid would be like he was stealing my car so I shot him in the back lol
Anyone selling a Grenade launcher ? I want to make sure they don't come back if they attempt to take my car ...
this is true, but iam sure this kid would be like he was stealing my car so I shot him in the back lol


thats why I posted what I posted.

but thanks for the great info Jerry V8!

its good to be able to educate your self on the laws so you can defend yourself at home and in court.
your buying a gun for all the wrong reasons man.. listen to Juan and Jerry..
hes just trying to get ur attention guys.he's new here. lmao
my neighbor saw 2 people that were looking inside my car while it was parked in the complex. the other week i went with steve and put a viper alarm on it with a pager. if i hear the alarm i run outside to fight with whoever is messing with my car. if he gotta gun..well.. fuck it , i back out cuz im not risking my life for a car.but Hes 18 years old. what else can he think ?
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Go to walmart. Buy a remington 870 or mossberg whatever pump they make. Buy buck shot. Aim for the pinga.
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