Got stopped....2 tickets :(


So i was coming home from mainstreet at around 1:30am...a put in a new radio yesterday so i was in no mood to mess around or anything just chilling with my friend on the way to drop him off listen to the music with the bass. So im on 12th avenue and i turn left to W 84th st. where those two curves are at, i take them at around 28-32mph which is sorta quick but again i had no intentions to do anything there is that big str8 away of a road, which would give ANYONE the urge to speed especially when its that late and nobody around, but i didnt i just drove normal through in 5th gear and just chilled. then i see a car by the ware houses with its lights off and i say fuk thats a cop, i see his lights turn on and HURRAY im pulled over. So yea i pull over turn off the car put the keys on the roof, guy comes over asks for license and regristration says he clocked me at about 47mph. I say ok and he tells me i cant drive with my headlights off. ( i had them off because they suck and my foglights are like a million times brighter) he says someone cannot see me coming w.e. So he goes to his car im just there with my friend talking shit. He comes back give me two tickets. I dunno the price on them. Which was stupid cuz not only was he nice but i was nice as fuk too didnt give excuses or nothing. What makes me dissappointed is that i wasnt doing anything stupid, i wasnt intentionally speeding theres no one around and its late as fuk! So yea i dunno, tickets dont even say the price. First time i get pulled over, cop goes ahead and gives me two tickets. Funny how i seen stories here where ppl drift and stuff and u guys get away with it, cop sees a 17 yr old kid in a 240 with an exhaust, no mercy!
shudda burst into wud do anything to get out of a ticket.... but seriously u shud have jus asked him if he cud do anything to help u and explained ur situation most cops are considerate because they have kids and they know wut they wud do if it happened to them......but yea that wus pretty shitty
Well actually my brother is a cop, and i should of mentioned him, but if i was a cop and a kid told me his brother was a cop why should i give a fuk.

And i will NOT cry in front of my friend lmao.
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By law, when a police officer pulls you over and they say that they "clocked you". Ask them for the print out. Cause if they cant prove that you were going that fast then they cant give you a ticket for speeding. I've pulled that card twice, usually they'll get pissed and find something else to give you a ticket or they'll just tell you to leave. I even had a full conversation with some guy since according to him "i knew my shit".
just take it to the ticket clinic and they will get thrown out

and your next performance mod should be headlights that work :)
lol yup.....any my headlights work....its just a good set of daylights with light more than them, they suck! I want HID's but ima need the whole bulb thing and then the HID's, money i dont have. I had those fog lights laying around and they light up like good headlights, so i didnt see why i couldnt use them.
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