From TJ's mouth....on the phone with him.

LowRisksCC MA47 said:
I saw him this morning, hes doing better....the pain subsided, until I broke out the eletronic fart machine that my girlfriend got for him....cue the laughs and the pain once again. Pwnt.

At least he is recovering. I knew TJ would be alright. I am still praying for you buddy.
fuck dat make that bitch laugh i this was a piece of our convo lmao

tj:(groggy ass voice) hey mike man
me: sup man
tj: u know what they told me dude
me: what bro what did they say
tj: they said i have to give my colon a rest (low groggy ass laugh) hehehheheheheheehhehehehehe

lol gotta love his ass
Let me explain something to you all. His room is packed with shit ( kinda like him...hehehehehehe) But this man has attained God-Like status at this hospital. Imagine a barrage of people and uniformed officers coming in daily, phone calls off the chain.....and all for one dude with a sore butt. I was shocked that we didn't have fan girls outside the hosptial with signs like T.R.L.....haha I just imagined that...I get to go down and pick a lucky winner to meet the god of Genki Style.
I was gonna post in the new members thread, but fuck that noise I have a 4 page thread in my honor *MUAHAHAHAHAHAA*

I am home, I feel like absolute soggy hot garbage, I havent moved in 5 days, I am now 8 pounds lighter, and my arms look like a veteran heroin user.

On a more serious note, I regret to inform the ladies that I am now one testicle lighter *I think thats where the 8 pounds went* they fucked up my charts and gave me the wrong surgery


naw, I recovered pretty quickly they say. They also say its very strange that someone by age has diverticulitis. Every doctor had diagnosed me differently because of my age, but the word always shows back up. They are gonna treat me for a number of things because they just dont know exactly wtf I have. I am ordered to be down for at least another 3-5 days, watch what I eat, and pretty much get as much rest as possible.

this fucking hurts. I have never had pain like this. my stay at the hospital was absolutely horrible. The nurses disappeared frequently, the nurses assistants didnt speak but 6 words of english and made me feel like an animal, and there wasnt a slightest bit of consistency between the medical staff.

I have a diet that I have to follow. I cant eat whole kernel corn, no seeds, no nuts, and lay off the caffiene. If any of this causes another flare up and I have this in my could kill me. This morning I have tomato slices with seeds in there, half raw potatoes, and a cake that has pecans on it. I almost threw my tray against the wall for 2 reasons.

1) it was the first solid food that was in front of me in 5 days

If it wasnt for you all who called and my friends coming to see me, I would have snapped. I cant thank you all. I am gonna be recovering for a few more days. my home number is 305-293-0236 shoot me a call whenever I really enjoy hearing you all. I love the support from my second family it always astonishes me.

I know some people are coming down this fri. Im in no position to have a worthy sloppy nig style invasion, and I also cant have a million people running around here when im recouperating. If you all got a place to crash I got no problem with you all coming down. I just cant do it fresh out the hospital. Get at me and guillermo and we will work something out I guess.

Thank you all again, you all mean the world to me - TJ
song of the day


:laugh: :laugh: some people think I lost a nut
Diverticulitis = extremely painful

My father was diagnosed with this about a month ago, and he NEVER goes to the hospital so when he went I knew that shit had to be bad.

Glad to see youre on your feet again dude!
thats pretty much my situation. I am pretty good when it comes to pain tolerance, but I couldnt stand this pain so off I went.
damn tj this blows im up in orlando and just got the news now. ill be giving u a call when i get back home sat. night
TJ look what Sean's gonna wear for you for your "Get well soon" present!


Get well soooooon. :p
^ lol nice..

TJ glad to hear your out ot the hospital... Hopefully your recover is very quick!!!

Hope your three threads of concern shows how much we care!!! ps i shall try to call you soon!
Glad to hear everything is kosher! i was wondering where TJ was at... Too much what what in the butt for you??! ;)

thanks again brah!
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is TJ ok??? also i would like to throw this idea out there for the Bladder to consider. I think TJ's name kwkouki should be colored brown, since you know he has survied the poo. just an idea for one our forums greatest member. :D
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