*FOUND* White S13 Coupe


Luis R.
My friends car got stolen this morning. Please guys keep an eye for it. It is a white s13 coupe with a fairly large dent on the passenger side quarter panel.

It also has:
-17" bronze 5zigens
-SR20 with a kinds polished valve cover
-6 point roll cage(black)
-Tein coilovers
-Recaro bucket seat
-Momo steering wheel
-300zx front brakes.
-Front mount
-Digital twin cam cluster

He already checked all the towing yards possible and they do not have the car.

If you have any info please call him on his cell phone at (305)491-3022. His name is Brian. He is also a member on here so lets help him out.

Please guys be careful with your cars. The car got stolen because he didn't park it in his driveway as he did everyday.

Here are the pics. Ill direct link them when I get home. (On the kicker)


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Sigh, what a loss. Things like this seriously ticks me off. My friend Got his Si stolen and he found it a week later stripped sitting on axles with a thank you note. POS splackers:mad: We need to get GPS tracking devices put into all our cars, or a mini bomb we can detonate when we know they are driving it! Well anyways dont worry you got eyes in Fontainebleau/ westchester. Gl
wtf is going on?! Why are s13s getting jacked left and right all of a sudden.

I think it's the overwhelming popularity of HONDA kids crossing over to Nissan and bringing their thieving ways with them.
^troof. alarms are a must people. take every precaution you can. if a theif want your car hes gonna get it but at least dont make it easy for them
u guys should invest in alarms...i got one yeah it mite go off every five min (depending how u set it up) but if u plan on investing on ur car u should also invest in an alarm
wow man this is getting out of hand... what a shame to that was a very nice car. sigh.... i hope that he finds it a-ok and not hurt, or stripped.
exactly where does he live? im kind of good at tracking this shit down, had my civic stolen time after time. the full car description really helps, but if i knew the neighborhood he lived in thats even better.
due to the the recent auto thefts, chances are it might turn up further down south.... buy a quick release and never leave your steering wheel in your car... at least thats a obstacle in the thieves way.
due to the the recent auto thefts, chances are it might turn up further down south.... buy a quick release and never leave your steering wheel in your car... at least thats a obstacle in the thieves way.

yeah lock the steering wheel then remove the quick release... that does sound good.... though damn man if they have a truck...
you can turn alarms off if you have the know how, but i never said dont get an alarm. Alarm + quick release> just having an alarm
due to the the recent auto thefts, chances are it might turn up further down south.... buy a quick release and never leave your steering wheel in your car... at least thats a obstacle in the thieves way.

man i wish i could take the steering wheel off my zenki, better let i wish there was space in my garage for my car.
yeah for sure i feel you, i had he chance to come across a quick release, and now i dont go anywhere with out having my wheel in my hands. i may look like a fool, but at least my ride will have a greater chance of being there when i get back. my car has nothing either and i caught one of these meadows dudes scoping out my car. he saw me coming a he walked away

i wonder how they bypass alarms:confused:

theres a college for that it's called Jail ( prison )
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omg.... i am never driving my car... ever. and i have alarm and shit too... im going to get a lo jack now...
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