Formula D Qualifier (Houston)

Speed was measured at half way in the turn almost at the clipping point not at the entry I was on top of third on entry.
I saw some vids of the quailifier on and damn you came in fast harri holy****! and that dude with the ae86 that qualified that dude sucks balls compairitivly
That 86 Sucked... If I were a juge the top three in order... That first black 240.. Hachibill and Harri

the 86 would be like 10th...
I had zero line the worst out there according to Mattback! I think the video from Bubba drift looks little different, but then again thats just my opinion and I suck as a driver anyway. That Corolla you see on the video is the only run he made thru out the weekend without spinning.
WOW that set-up really goes for lower hp cars, Personally i would have picked the Black S13 hatch and the silver 350Z.....And this is TOTALLY unbiased. BTW the track conditions SUCK MAJOR that could have come into play.
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Yes the 350z did do very well.. I thought hatchibill did awsome, and that black s13 was killer... Harri was probably one of the best drivers there but I don't think that course was well setup for the BMW..

Conditions were Piss poor at best...
in any case, i thik harri and hanu did better than all out there. the simple fact is that drifting is a judged sport and sometimes it sucks. if i was a judge i wold have put said that the n/a 240 was still 1st, but harri shold be 2nd and i should have been 3rd.the corllla and andy sapp didn't do that well in my eyes. in either case its useless to me to have been invited to san diego anyway because i have no means what so ever on getting out there.
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