Formula D Qualifier (Houston)

santi2 said:
bill only got a pass to the next qualifying event ...thats not a liscense..there were other drivers that did better than the ones that got a liscense or invite.. chealsea got second at a tandem comp on the way back from houston.. but at the qualifier event wasnt even given a chance..also the two that got liscense's and ivites roomed with the judges and many of the other formula d ppl that were there. so if denial is your path so be it .. but theres no if ands or buts about it .. POLITICS IS PLAYING A PART THAT NONE OF US CAN COMPETE WITH RIGHT NOW! end of discussion

I just found it odd that Harri didn't get a license. After reading your statement, I can understand why.
Alchemist XL said:
politics make the world go round... whens the next tertech competition?

Dan i must say , i agree with you here. too bad i'm no good at it .. anyways

i think Ter-Tech as a whole will be driving in other series that we find interesting and at local events.there are many smaller series with better pay and drivers that are just as aggressive if not more than formula d.
Piner said:
so if i suck some **** then i can get into formula D?? and I dont have to be any good?? sign me up!!! lol

I cant.......wait I can believe you just said that :p
basically santi and anyone else who cares, it is abotu politcs, but after i understood how the judges were actually judging people i actually agreed with them in their decisions, or atleast understood how they were coming to their decisions. although harri was doing awsome, his line was never spot on like the judges wanted. its not just going out on a track and getting sideways, which is what people in florida are used to doing. sounds like people in florida aren't willing to play the game. formula d is a cali club, so us east coasters withotu a pile of money have to pay our dues to get in. i feel the same way about people getting into no ants. so you can either be a negative nacy about it and never get anywhere or just keep fighting and try even harder. either way its where i want to be so noone is gonna stop me.
That's how it should be said Bill. I will be looking foward in seeing your performance @ Cali. To all of those whining about it: Don't hate the game because you dont know how to play it.

My hopes are still with seeing Harri and other drivers here with licenses, because I know some are good enough to earn the license.

- Erick
hachibill said:
basically santi and anyone else who cares, it is abotu politcs, but after i understood how the judges were actually judging people i actually agreed with them in their decisions, or atleast understood how they were coming to their decisions. although harri was doing awsome, his line was never spot on like the judges wanted. its not just going out on a track and getting sideways, which is what people in florida are used to doing. sounds like people in florida aren't willing to play the game. formula d is a cali club, so us east coasters withotu a pile of money have to pay our dues to get in. i feel the same way about people getting into no ants. so you can either be a negative nacy about it and never get anywhere or just keep fighting and try even harder. either way its where i want to be so noone is gonna stop me.
hachibill said:
although harri was doing awsome, his line was never spot on like the judges wanted. its not just going out on a track and getting sideways, which is what people in florida are used to doing.

Reading this made me think back to when xero240 won JR's competition.
i was there i know soon the videos will be up and the real drivers will be seen. and to ienjoydrifting great job a lousiana i hope you get your door soon.
and jaun i thought you were going to compete this year i guess not just keep going nodriver.
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