FL's first D1 driver!!

Thats fucken awesome.... first D1 driver in the Night Monkeys... madd proud of ya man, that shits awesome, ill be right behind u too man...CONGRATS!!!!
Back in da day......


Crazy fro poppin outta the helmet.... hah
Sean Love said:
Back in da day......


Crazy fro poppin outta the helmet.... hah

back when he used to give lovin for free!


god man, thats fuckin amazing!!! doing it up BIG!!!!
Congrats man, thats fucking insane. Sponsers are going to jump on your train fast. Future is looking good for you for sure.
I guess my 2007 goal will be revised from getting any pro license, to getting a D1 license.. :) Chelsea you inspire me..... awwwwww haha
first he rips shyt up at nopi now this...chelsea ftmfw reppin florida
thats whats up Chelsea's in The D1 mix.
and they said that Florida could never do it.
well thanks to all the haters.
But back on point congrats once again dude i'm proud of you and for you.
all of this before mommas day. i know someone mom definatly appoves of drifting now.
keep on shining

peace and much love to yah
FD honors D1 license I'm pretty sure sean, so he technically 'does' have a FD one as well now. Not 100% on that, but c'mon D1>FD>Nopi
boxmod said:
FD honors D1 license I'm pretty sure sean, so he technically 'does' have a FD one as well now. Not 100% on that, but c'mon D1>FD>Nopi

NOPE, I spoke to Andy Luk about this the other day. All non-licensed drivers wishing to drive in FD must submit an application, get approved and then post an expensive bond in order to drive in the series.

Also I absolutely do not agree that any one series is better than another. We all know there are drivers who have a 2007 FD license simply because they made a few 2006 top32's. And they got their 2006 license because they scored a single point in 2005, and in 2005, they didnt have to have any qualifications, just arrive and drive. It definitely pays for the guys who got in early....
All the guys from Aero K Night Monkeys is proud to have the first official D1 Driver!!! Best of Luck Chelsea and the future is bright.... FLORIDA FOR THE WIN!
Sean Love said:
NOPE, I spoke to Andy Luk about this the other day. All non-licensed drivers wishing to drive in FD must submit an application, get approved and then post an expensive bond in order to drive in the series.

Also I absolutely do not agree that any one series is better than another. We all know there are drivers who have a 2007 FD license simply because they made a few 2006 top32's. And they got their 2006 license because they scored a single point in 2005, and in 2005, they didnt have to have any qualifications, just arrive and drive. It definitely pays for the guys who got in early....

well then they changed it since last time i knew about it, I dont recal any 'fee' associated with it, they should easily allow for a provisional license based off of having a D1 license.

Drifting is turning into Gran Turismo, Class C B A S licenses lol.
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