Florida vs Drifting: The never ending struggle


Erick Mahle
In the beggining of 2004, the drift scene arrived in south Florida with the first DGTrials Drift Clinic events. In May, we had a taste of a true drifting showoff in Homestead's Drift Showoff. And after a lot of talk and interest, Ter-Tech stepped up and decided to host the first series of drift events for SFL in August.

At an early stage it is understandable to see struggle. Nothing comes without much work and effort, not only from event holders but from the supporters as well. The first events were always low in drivers..... always stuggling to meet the minimum of drivers required to payoff the event cost. Unfortunetly to this day this problem was never solved.

Oddly enough, the complaints are still there. Many say that there are not enough events. Some say that they are too expensive. Some say their cars are not good enough to drift. Now I just think people in South Florida are too lazy to get off their asses and do something about it. Many wait for the announcement of an upcoming event to then start busting their *** off to get the money, and with two weeks to raise all the money requires to drive at an event, incluiding all the side expenses as well. It doesnt take long before no one pre-registers on time, ask for extensions so some can actually pay in the last second. The other potential drifters just never got the money on time.

I find it funny that some say that they cannot participate because of money, and that's the only reason why people everywhere else drift is because they have money. Well I find that unlikely. I've seen people in places all over the US that would throw their toll money into drifting. Everyone has money problems because the average age in the US for drifting cannot seriously be over 25. Yet somehow, people in other states can manage their ways through it. Why?

It's pathetic that Jones moved to CT, and all by himself he managed to start the CT drifting community, get sponsors for an event, a track, and in the first weeks of the pre-reg he has had over 20 drivers already signed up, and already had a successful event. Yet the FL drifting scene, with it's 2 years of existence, still has not picked up the pace of other states.

You look at any drift event and you see people body rolling everywhere, cars that are about to flip upside down in an attempt to get sideways. Cars where you see one wheel completely locked because the ebrake only locks one wheel while the other wheel spins furiously with the one tire fire open diff. For christ's sake I even saw Civics in drift videos.

This whole thread is not a huge rant against the drifters in Florida. I would try to say it's a wake up call, something to show that other places have the same problems that many here refuse to put the extra effort to get sideways because taking the easy way out just spares the effort.

I'm always on the verge of being broke. Everyone is. After all, 90% of the drifters are under 25, everywhere in the world. But I always try to save money even during the months that there are no events so I can be ready to pre-reg when an event comes. That is the only reason why I am #2 in the pre-reg list for the last event. I try to save money everywhere I can, and try to make money with every little side gig I can. I parted out a car already, whored myself at Subway, taken people around town for extra cash, I mean... any errand possible to keep raising money to slide.

If everyone really wants to keep the drifting community up.... for your own self.... start putting some effort to prepare yourself for an opportunity to pay for an event when the time comes. Or else start getting ready to drive to Georgia for drift events. Or resort to street sliding, which gets more dangerous by the day. Even the original street drifters have been starting to take a hit. Every other week someone is caught.

I personally would hate to see this community die. I would have to move out of FL so I can achieve my goal of getting something accomplished. But in one of the most car tuning oriented states in the US (2nd to Cali, if not first), I know this can be pulled off.

Comment as you wish.
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Actually... I know of about 20 kids in my school who drift... ( Not Legally. )

I could probably round every one of them up, if I had some hardcore information. Also; I realize that alot of people on these boards are based in southern FL, alot of us are in Central, West, East, North, and Deep South. It is rather unfair to say that people are lazy because they don't want to spend 100 dollars on a 2-day event, and have gas cost them 150 dollars. Also, people don't yet know about the drift scene and how it has grown. Once "The Fast And The Furious 3" comes out, none of us will ever be able to rise as quickly in the drift scene ever again. Just like the original "The Fast And The Furious" forever changed the 'underground' racing scene.

One thing I do know- People need to find an event that can TEACH them, or at least allow them to practice and learn, without consequesnces. It is not easy to just take a stock 240sx out to the track and drift like the Gush.

( Quite Possibly My Best Post Ever ^ )
oh man fast and furious 3 is coming out, im gonna go order my crazy *** body kit right now along with my neon lights so it can be on the car when i go watch the movie

im j/king but huh yea i was gona preregister but i had an unfotinante problem come up but i might still be paying the 140 to drift
MasterRex, many of us constantly drive 300 miles up and 300 back down to go drift in Ocala, which costs us $90 to slide for one single day. Some people just have to deal with extra costs.

Now... on the other hand. Show me $2000 ($100 for each one of your friends) and I'm sure someone will be willing to find a spot farther north to the Ft. Pierce guys.
rwdrift is right and the drifting scene down here is dying to almost dead :( as much as i lov drifitng im gettn ready to go str8 line,but I jus met a dude though thats tryn to form a drifit team and travel around in fully built and sponsored cars,i'm only hopin this happens cause ill b on that team 2! yay!
I understand where Erick is coming from but look we just threw an event up here for $105 for one day at a track, basically 3 sets of 2 laps. It was very successfull and we plan on holding more events next season. Here Tertech really went out of there way insurance wise, time wise and promotion wise to set up a 2day 2DAY event for you guys in a parking lot at that...a perfect place for beginners and veterans to go out there hold there own and pick up on tricks of the trade and just have fun. Im not on here to bash you guys or anything like that but all I can say is if money is an issue start saving, put money aside and do not touch and just leave it for preregs. There always seems to be so many events that pop up but very few make it to event day. It just seems like you guys really need to get 100% into it...I see the prereg lists and I always see the same names, over and over again. These are normal people just like you and me with there own problems and issues to work out and they always seem to work hard and make it to events. If things keep going the way they are the drift scene in south florida is not going to last very long. Think about it guys this is the time to learn before Fast and the Furious 3 blows up, you know after that its going to be very hard to drift period outside of events. You see how hard it is now already so imaging after that...so if I were you I would try and I mean really try to make every event.

rwdrift said:
MasterRex, many of us constantly drive 300 miles up and 300 back down to go drift in Ocala, which costs us $90 to slide for one single day. Some people just have to deal with extra costs.

Now... on the other hand. Show me $2000 ($100 for each one of your friends) and I'm sure someone will be willing to find a spot farther north to the Ft. Pierce guys.

Our event was also a last minute thing to do before winter hits and alot of people had already put there cars into storage but managed to bring them back out for the event.
alibaba said:
oh man fast and furious 3 is coming out, im gonna go order my crazy *** body kit right now along with my neon lights so it can be on the car when i go watch the movie

im j/king

You may be joking, but there are a TON of idiots out there that ARE going to do that.
im with alchem.... my sig says it all.... back 2 the old skool.... I can count on my both hands how many people street slide on this site and 4 of them are on fmdt..... Sorry guys but the procrastonators are what ****ed this one over..
i street slide and thats about it so idont understand what your saying what do poeple that drift on the street have to do with the event
MasterRex said:
Actually... I know of about 20 kids in my school who drift... ( Not Legally. )

I could probably round every one of them up, if I had some hardcore information. Also; I realize that alot of people on these boards are based in southern FL, alot of us are in Central, West, East, North, and Deep South. It is rather unfair to say that people are lazy because they don't want to spend 100 dollars on a 2-day event, and have gas cost them 150 dollars. Also, people don't yet know about the drift scene and how it has grown. Once "The Fast And The Furious 3" comes out, none of us will ever be able to rise as quickly in the drift scene ever again. Just like the original "The Fast And The Furious" forever changed the 'underground' racing scene.

One thing I do know- People need to find an event that can TEACH them, or at least allow them to practice and learn, without consequesnces. It is not easy to just take a stock 240sx out to the track and drift like the Gush.

( Quite Possibly My Best Post Ever ^ )

my ocala trip costs this past june,
$90 pre registration fee
$60 1\2 of hotel room for 2 nights
$50 for food and drinks
$180 in gas (****ty tuned turbo car is expensive)

$ 380 in costs that i remember

Not to mention the 2 extra sets of tires that i had mounted plus other expensies i had preparing my car for the trip.

i actually got 14 laps around a track 400$ later.

this parking lot event was going to be amazing. i would have gone to other events, i was lined up to go, then i thought of 2 days of parking lot. The learning experiance alone would be more then placing in a competition.

Im kinda accepting the fact that im going to be traveling to atlanta for events now.
e30 gangsta said:
im with alchem.... my sig says it all.... back 2 the old skool.... I can count on my both hands how many people street slide on this site and 4 of them are on fmdt..... Sorry guys but the procrastonators are what ****ed this one over..

so when r we gonna hang out again n slide
Ya the good ole days! I really wish I could have pre reged but I had taken 3 weekends off all ready n my boss was getting hot n upset. Hopefully we can get something else organized around here cause driving all that far sucks...
Master Rex.... *sigh* That was the worst post ever. Thier are so many of us that drive over 300 miles to an Event. I drove ****ing 600miles to go to Ocala. So thiers no excuse that its to far.
z4k @ SMPLYjdm said:
Ya the good ole days! I really wish I could have pre reged but I had taken 3 weekends off all ready n my boss was getting hot n upset. Hopefully we can get something else organized around here cause driving all that far sucks...

no excuse u should have shoved a tire in his *** n tell u have to go drift

ha ha j/king
ZenkiSX said:
Master Rex.... *sigh* That was the worst post ever. Thier are so many of us that drive over 300 miles to an Event. I drove ****ing 600miles to go to Ocala. So thiers no excuse that its to far.
we drove 800 miles to atlanta just to watch a drift event.
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